Thursday, May 21, 2020

AP Biology Essay Sample

AP Biology Essay SampleA Biology Essay Sample has been prepared for you, as a student of Biology. This essay is an integral part of your course work and requires careful study and good reasoning skills to be able to answer all the questions asked in the composition. This essay serves as an instrument to teach the student about the function of the cells, how they come to be as they are now, how they are capable of both qualitative and quantitative transformation, and how they maintain their identity.Anatomy of a cell: Every cell in the body is unique to itself. It is made up of different combinations of protein. The proteins are organized into the four simple structural units called nuclei. Nuclei have no shape of their own. When they unite with other nuclei, they form chromosomes and then into the cell nucleus.DNA molecules carry the information that allows the cells to perform a variety of short biological functions. These functions include the development of the body's organs and m uscles, reproduction, respiration, the ability to adapt to new environments, immune function, etc. The information is stored in the DNA, which is the molecules produced by every living cell.The genetic code was discovered by Watson and Crick in 1953. This code is a system for regulating the movement of molecules within the nucleus of each cell. The DNA code is a base pair of nucleotides, or individual letters and an optional third one that codes for a specific sequence of the alphabet.The DNA is regulated because the proper information is stored in the DNA and only when the information is translated into RNA is it used to make the different kinds of proteins that are necessary for the proper functioning of the various parts of the body. There are several ways of storing the information. These methods can be either by the way of the ribosomes in the cytoplasm, or by the addition of additional base pairs to the genetic code.Structure of a cell: Students in an AP Biology Essay Sample m ust remember that each cell in the body is different from other cells. Cells undergo a series of cellular changes that allow them to integrate in the environment around them. They also modify their internal structures in order to function properly and efficiently.The nucleus of the cell is an essential part of the cell. The function of the nucleus is to organize the information contained in the DNA molecules into functional proteins. When the DNA is translated into RNA, these proteins are carried out by enzymes. The size of the cell determines the efficiency of the enzyme as they carry out the protein synthesis.The construction of different cells is dependent on the specific sequence of nucleotides that are encoded in the DNA. One example of a cell is the human eye. The eye is a tissue that contains very small cells, each of which are sensitive to light. The nuclei of the different cells that compose the eye are all the same, but the sequence of the nucleotides is slightly different between each cell.

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