Saturday, August 31, 2019

Automated Grading System

If bridges and buildings were made like we make software, then we would have disasters happening daily. I have heard this several times from many people. It is sad but true. Buggy software is the bane of the software industry. One of the ways of increasing software quality is by proper education. Several professionals from the software industry also attest to this. They believe that a greater emphasis should be given to quality and testing in university courses. But simply explaining the principles of software quality is not sufficient.Students tend to forget theoretical principles over time. Practical exposure and experience is equally important. Students should be put in an environment where they can appreciate the importance of quality software and can experience the benefits of processes that enhance quality. Many universities have a period of internship for the students in which they work in a software company and experience these factors first hand. However because the internsh ip usually is of a duration of 3-6 months, it is not sufficient to instill the importance of quality.Emphasis on code quality should be made a part of the entire software curriculum for it to have proper impact. Every assignment that the students submit should be subjected to the same quality standards that an industrial project would be subjected to. Having university assignments adhere to industrial standards will result in the faculty having to spend more time grading the assignments. The faculty can no longer just give an assignment, wait for the students to submit it, and grade them. The faculty must be more like a project manager who constantly mentors the students and helps them improve the quality of their work.Along with spending a good amount of time mentoring students off class hours another challenge is timely evaluation of student assignments. Faculty members are already overloaded with the task of teaching, designing projects, grading, and research. Once we incorporate testing and quality into the curricula, each assignment will have to be graded along many more dimensions, such as quality of the tests, coverage of the tests, etc. This can be very time consuming. We need a mechanism which will automatically grade student assignments to the best possible extent, so that students are iven a timely feedback, and faculty can focus more on providing feedback on the style, design, and documentation of the project. Such a system will also bring consistency to the grading process and will eliminate discrepancies due to instructors bias and lethargy. A good automated grading system should be capable of executing the test cases written by students as well as the faculty on the project, determining the coverage of the test cases, and compiling and executing the submitted programs. It should be configurable so that faculty can determine the importance of various factors that make up the final grade.Several efforts have been made to design and implement autom ated grading systems in universities. Some existing systems are: 1. WEB-CAT[1] 2. Curator[2] 3. ASSYST[3] 4. Praktomat[4] 5. PGSE[5] 6. PILOT[6] In this article I will briefly explain two such automated grading systems – WEB-CAT, and the Praktomat systems, and propose a system that contains useful features from them as well as some new features. WEB-CAT WEB-CAT was created at Virginia Tech university to address the need for incorporating software testing as an integral part of all programming courses.The creators realized the need for a software to automatically grade student assignments to enable faster feedback to students and to balance the working load of faculty members. Since Test Driven Development (TDD) was to be used for all the assignments, the students had to be graded not only on the quality of code, but also on the quality of their test suite. WEB-CAT grades students on three criteria. It gives each assignment a test validity score, a test correctness score, and a code correctness score. Test validity measures the accuracy of the students tests. It determines if the tests are consistent with the problem tatement. Test coverage determines how much of the source code the tests cover. It determines if all paths and conditionals are adequately covered. Code correctness measures correctness of the actual code. All three criteria are given a certain weight-age and a final score is determined. WEB-CAT’s graphical user interface is inspired by the unit testing tool JUnit[7]. Just like JUnit it uses a green bar to show the test results. A text description containing details such as the number of tests that were run, and the number that passed is also provided. Basic features provided by WEB-CAT are: Submission of student assignments using a web based wizard interface †¢ Submission of test cases using a web based wizard interface †¢ Setup of assignments by faculty †¢ Download of student scores by the faculty †¢ Automatic gr ading with immediate feedback for student assignment WEB-CAT follows a certain sequence of steps to assess a project submission. A submission is assessed only if it compiles successfully. If compilation fails, then a summary of errors is displayed to the user. If the program is compiled successfully then WEB-CAT will assess the project on various parameters.It first tests the correctness of the program by running the student’s tests against the program. Since these tests are submitted by the students, and it is expected that 100% of the tests will pass, because we do not expect students to submit a program that fails their own tests. After this the student’s test cases are validated by running them against a reference implementation of the project created by the instructor. If a student’s test case fails on the reference implementation then it is deemed to be invalid. Finally the coverage of the student’s test cases is evaluated.Once the scores are obtain ed a cumulative score out of 100 is calculated applying a certain formula on the scores from all criteria. The results are displayed immediately to the student on an HTML interface. It was observed that the quality of student assignments increased significantly after using WEB-CAT. It was found that the code developed using WEB-CAT contained 45% fewer defects per 1000 (non commented) lines of code[8]. Praktomat Praktomat was created at Universitat Passau in Germany. The purpose of creating Praktomat was to build an environment which would help students enhance the quality of their code.Along with automated grading it also has a focus on peer reviews. The creators of Praktomat felt that reviewing others software and having one’s software reviewed helps in producing better code. This is the reason why Praktomat has a strong focus on peer review and allows users to review as well as annotate code written by other students. Students can resubmit their code any number of times til l the deadline. This way they can improve their code by adopting things they learned by reviewing other students code as well as lessons they learned by others feedback of their own code.Praktomat evaluates student assignments by running them against a test suite provided by the faculty. The faculty creates two test suites – a public suite and a secret suite. The public suite is distributed to the students to help them validate their project. The secret test suite is not made available to the students, but they are aware of its existence. An assignment is evaluated by automatically running both the test suites against it, and also by manual examination by the faculty. Praktomat was developed in Python, and is hosted on SourceForge[9]. ObservationsMy contention that student project submissions should be backed by a process to encourage best practices, and a software to automate as well as facilitate the process, has become stronger after reviewing WEB-CAT and Praktomat. What b est practices should we incorporate in the process? What are the features that an automated grading software should contain? WEB-CAT, Praktomat, and several other software give a good starting point. We can learn from their successes and failures, and enhance the offering by adding our own experience. WEB-CAT and several other sources[10] have shown us that TDD is definitely a good practice.In a university environment TDD will work best if it is complemented by instant feedback to the students. We want to have a process that will encourage students to improve the quality of their code. They should be graded on the best code they can submit till the deadline. Two things are needed for this – instant feedback and the ability to resubmit assignments. WEB-CAT achieves this by assessing submissions in real time, and displaying the results to the students immediately. WEB-CAT allows students to re-submit assignments any number of time till the due date.Since faculty members are alr eady overloaded with work, the software should take some of the faculties responsibilities. WEB-CAT automatically evaluates and grades the student’s assignments, leaving faculty with time for more meaningful activities. Praktomat has shown us that there is a definite benefit to peer review. When we review code written by others, we can go beyond the paradigms set in our own mind. Having our code reviewed by others can help us see our shortcomings which we may have earlier overlooked. Praktomat allows students to review code written by others.However the review is hidden from the faculty, to ensure that it does not impact grading. Praktomat does not rely on 100% automatic evaluation of the assignments. Praktomat evaluates certain aspects automatically and the rest are evaluated manually. Factors like code quality, documentation, etc are reviewed and evaluated manually by the faculty. There may be two reasons for this. Software to support automatic evaluation of these things ma y not have been available when Praktomat was written, or the creators felt that certain things are best evaluated by the faculty.A proposed system for automated grading Based on my observations from reviewing the above software systems and from my own experience, I have defined a process and the functional expectations of a software system that supports TDD and automated grading. The Process †¢ Every project should have a deadline, just like the real world †¢ The project should be defined as a set of use cases and a functional test suite. Both should be made available to the students. †¢ Students should start developing their project using the TDD philosophy. †¢ They should also be provided a source code repository like CVS or VSS. Once the students have completed their project they should tag the build and should upload the tag number to a web based submission software. †¢ It must be clearly defined how the students should submit their unit test suite. â₠¬ ¢ They should also provide one file which will trigger the remaining unit tests.†¢ The software will pull the source from the repository, and evaluate it. o Failure is reported to the student if the project fails to compile. Failure here does not mean that the student fails in the assignment. Assignments can be corrected and submitted any number of time till the deadline. Once the compilation succeeds, the software will run the unit tests written by the student on their code. o After collecting results from the unit tests, the test coverage is measured. o Then the functional tests created by the faculty are executed against the software. o The software is then run through a source code format checker which evaluates it for adherence to coding standards,The software is then run through a source code quality checker which evaluates the quality of code based on known best practices, and anti patterns. o The software is finally channeled to the faculty who evaluates it for design . Results from all the tests are given out of 100%. o After collecting all the results a formula (provided by the faculty) is applied to derive the final score. The Software †¢ The software should provide an account with a username and password to each student and faculty. †¢ The software should be web based so that it can be accessed from anywhere using a standard web browser. †¢ After logging in students should be able to browse to the homepage for a particular assignment and view the details, such as specification, due dates, and any other details posted by the faculty. When a student completes her assignment, she should be able to upload the CVS tag number to the server.†¢ Once the tag number is uploaded the server should pull the source code from a CVS repository and perform the checks mentioned above. †¢ Results from each check is recorded in the database. †¢ The detailed result is then displayed to the student. †¢ Students should be able to resubmit an assignment any number of times till the deadline. †¢ Student code should be available for peer review and annotations if the faculty desires. The faculty should be able to create an assignment and upload details and files. †¢ The faculty should be able to trigger the final evaluation of all assignments either manually, or at a scheduled time. †¢ An evaluation should take the latest tag numbers provided by the student and perform tests on the respective source code. †¢ Results should be made available to the faculty, and students. †¢ The faculty should be able to add their own scores for parts that were checked manually. †¢ The final result is computed by applying a formula provided by the faculty. The final results should be downloadable as a csv text file. Several technologies such as Java, Python, PHP, . NET, and Ruby can be used to implement such a system. Each have their pros and cons. We will not cover the implementation technology in t his paper. Evaluation of these technologies and a final choice based on the evaluation will be dealt with in a separate paper.Reference: 1. http://scholar. lib. vt. edu/theses/available/etd-05222003-225759/unrestricted/Web-CAT. pdf 2. http://www. cs. vt. edu/curator/PublicInfo/CuratorIntroduction. pdf 3. http://portal. cm. org/citation. cfm? id=268210 4. ]http://www. infosun. fmi. uni-passau. de/st/papers/iticse2000/iticse2000. pdf 5. Jones, E. L. Grading student programs – a software testing approach. J. Computing in Small Colleges, 16(2): pp. 185-192. 6. http://www-2. cs. cmu. edu/~rsbaker/pilot. pdf 7. http://www. junit. org 8. Using Test Driven Development in the Classroom: Providing Students with Automatic, Concrete Feedback on Performance. http://web-cat. cs. vt. edu/grader/Edwards-EISTA03. pdf 9. http://sourceforge. net/projects/praktomat/ 10. http://www. testdriven. com

Friday, August 30, 2019

Succubus Shadows Chapter 5

I stared at him, and the world stood still for a moment. â€Å"Wait†¦Seth was meeting Simone there?† Roman shook his head. â€Å"I wouldn't say that exactly. It was more like she sought him out. He looked like he'd been working there for a while when she showed up.† â€Å"And then?† My voice was very small. â€Å"Then, she walked over to him and shyly introduced herself as a fan, saying she recognized him from his website. Picture perfect demure coquette.† â€Å"And then?† â€Å"She said she wished she had a book with her to sign and asked if he'd sign a piece of paper instead. He said he would, and then she sat down, all apologetic for bothering him. She said she had a couple questions and hoped he wouldn't mind if she stayed for a few moments.† I noticed then that I was clenching my fists. With a deep breath, I released them. â€Å"Seth wouldn't strike up a conversation with a stranger like that. Not without being horribly uncomfortable.† â€Å"Yeah,† Roman agreed. â€Å"He definitely had some of that social awkwardness.† There was a wry note in Roman's voice that I didn't like. The two men had once been rivals for my affection, and apparently, Roman was still holding on to some bitterness – and a feeling of superiority. Roman could be quite charismatic when he wanted. â€Å"But she did a pretty good job at playing just as shy and nervous. I think it made him feel better.† â€Å"So she did sit down?† â€Å"Yup†¦and stayed for about a half-hour.† â€Å"What?† I exclaimed. My volume made Godiva jerk her head up from a nap. â€Å"Did she try to seduce him?† Roman's expression turned considering. â€Å"Not in the usual way. I mean, she wasn't as boring as usual. But she put him at ease enough that he relaxed and seemed to like talking to her. She wasn't overtly sexual, and he didn't look like he wanted to jump her. It was just†¦I don't know. A nice conversation. Although, it had a few of those annoying facts she likes to drop.† He paused. â€Å"Oh, and she went brunette.† That bothered me more than it probably should have. â€Å"But he sent her away, right?† â€Å"No, Maddie showed up, and he left with her – after telling Simone it was nice to meet her.† Oh, irony. Never, never would I have imagined I'd be so relieved to have Maddie show up and take Seth home. I also never thought I'd be glad his devotion to her would keep him from falling prey to another woman's charms. I took a step toward Roman, my fists clenching again. I didn't blame him as messenger; I was simply driven by my own fury. â€Å"What the hell?† I demanded. â€Å"What fucking game is she playing?† He sighed. â€Å"I don't know. Maybe no game at all. She likes coffee. I've certainly seen her buy it before. She could have ended up there by coincidence and thought he looked like a good catch. God only knows why.† I ignored the barb. â€Å"Oh, come on, Roman. You're not that stupid. Do you honestly think that in a city like Seattle, out of all the men here, it's a coincidence that she shows up and starts hitting on my ex? You know as well as I do that there aren't many coincidences in our world.† â€Å"True,† he admitted, setting the remnants of his dinner on the coffee table. The cats went for it. â€Å"Will you stop doing that?† I demanded. â€Å"They're not supposed to be eating that kind of stuff.† â€Å"Don't take your bitchy attitude out on me.† But he stood up and took the plate to the kitchen. When he returned, he crossed his arms over his chest and stood in front of me. â€Å"Look, you're right to a certain extent about coincidences. It is weird that she would hit on Seth. But think about this too: don't you think there are a few things around here a little more important than your ex-boyfriend? Jerome's theory makes the most sense, you know. Hell let him keep his job, but that doesn't mean they're letting the whole incident go. They're the ultimate grudge-holders. They'd want to assess the situation. That's why she's here.† â€Å"Except that she's not assessing anything! Unless you consider my friends' Pictionary skills.† â€Å"You should have seen them play Jenga.† â€Å"This isn't a joke. I need to figure out what her game is. You have to take me with you when you spy on her again.† He raised an eyebrow. â€Å"I think that's a terrible idea.† â€Å"I can go invisible.† â€Å"She'll still sense you.† â€Å"You can hide my signature. You told me before that you could. Was that a lie?† Roman grimaced. Just before things had literally blown up between us, he'd asked me to run away with him, promising he could conceal me from the greater immortals. â€Å"I can,† he admitted. â€Å"But I just think you're asking for trouble.† â€Å"What am I risking?† â€Å"A lot. Whether it's Seth or Jerome, there's obviously something going on. Get tangled up in that, and you could be risking your life. I won't let that happen to you.† â€Å"Since when do you care what happens to me?† I asked incredulously. â€Å"Since you became my ticket to rent-free living.† And with that, he turned invisible, hiding his signature as well. â€Å"Coward!† I cried. My only answer was the front door opening and then shutting. He was lost to me, and I realized I'd again missed my chance to bring up my weird encounters from these last couple days. I tossed and turned again that night, but it had nothing to do with my fear of walking off the balcony or into Puget Sound. I was filled with rage, both at Simone for making the moves on Seth and at Roman for abandoning me. When I woke up in the morning, I took comfort in knowing I didn't need Roman to confront Simone. I could do that on my own. Of course, there were a few complications there, the first being I didn't know where Simone was. Her hotel was probably the logical place to start, though most succubi – even a bland one like her – wouldn't spend a lot of time hanging out there. Well, unless she had company – and I didn't really want to walk into anything like that. And anyway, I had one tiny commitment to attend to before I could go bitch-hunting. Maddie. I'd regretted my decision to go shopping with her the moment the words had left my mouth. Yet, somehow, I'd totally blocked out those feelings yesterday when I'd been sitting with Seth. A brief thought about the wedding had flitted through my mind†¦and then it had been gone. I'd spent the rest of the time laughing and talking with him as though there was no Maddie in the world. But as I headed over to the bookstore, where she and I had agreed to meet, I had to accept reality once more. Seth was no longer mine. He also wasn't Simone's. But I'd deal with that later. Maddie was waiting for me downstairs, but I used the excuse of needing coffee before we left, in order to dash up to the caf? ¦. I wanted to see if Simone was lurking. No matter her shape, I'd know if she was there. Yet, as I casually waited in line for my white chocolate mocha, I sensed nothing immortal. Seth was there, engrossed in his work, and never even saw me. Apparently, his muse was still going strong. I let him be and joined Maddie downstairs again. She had a list of eight store names and addresses. Most were dress shops, and I was skeptical that we could make them all before we were due into work. She was more optimistic, but then, that was typical of her. â€Å"No point in worrying right now,† she said. â€Å"We'll just do them one at a time and see where that gets us. Besides, the last few are bakeries, and we wouldn't want to eat a bunch of cake before trying on dresses.† â€Å"Speak for yourself,† I said, sliding into her passenger seat. â€Å"I'm not trying anything on.† She gave me a wry smile. â€Å"Aren't you? You're my bridesmaid, remember? We talked about it at the party.† â€Å"No,† I said swiftly. â€Å"I said and did all sorts of crazy stuff that night, but I never agreed to it. That I do remember.† Maddie's expression was still light, but I thought I heard a little hurt in her voice when she spoke next. â€Å"What's the big deal? Why don't you want to be one? You know I'd never dress you in anything horrible.† Why? I pondered the answer as she pulled into traffic. Because I'm in love with your future husband. I could hardly tell her that, of course. As it was, I could see my continuing silence was making her feel worse. She was reading it as a slight to our friendship. â€Å"I just†¦I just don't like all the, uh, fanfare that goes with weddings. There's so much planning and stressing about little details. I'd rather just sit back in the audience and watch you go down the aisle.† Well, actually, that was one of the last things I wanted to do. â€Å"Really?† Maddie frowned, but thankfully, it was more out of surprise than disappointment. â€Å"You're always so good at planning and little details. I thought you were into that.† That was a fair point. It was why I made such a good manager. â€Å"Yeah, kind of†¦but I mean, at the receptions, drunk guys always hit on the bridesmaids, you know? They think we're desperate because we're the ones not getting married.† Also not entirely far from the truth in my case. Maddie's smile returned. â€Å"Those are some pretty lame excuses.† They were indeed, but she said nothing more as we drove. After Maddie's initial failure with picking flattering wedding dresses, she now threw her faith completely into me to lead her to fashion success. It wasn't the first time this had happened, and I found myself slipping into style-advisor role pretty easily. In fact, if I was able to preoccupy myself with the objective parts of this process – flattering fit, color, etc. – it was easy to block out the big picture of her and Seth. The saleswomen working at the stores soon learned who was in charge here and backed off with their recommendations, simply fetching the dresses I indictated. I studied each one Maddie tried on, keeping my standards high. With so many stores to choose from, we could afford to be picky. â€Å"That one's good,† I said at our third store. It was corseted, narrowing her waist, and had a skirt that didn't flare. Those puffy ones always made the hips look bigger, though no one ever seemed to realize that. You had to be tall and thin to get away with that, not short and buxom like Maddie. She admired herself in the mirror, a look of pleasant surprise on her face. She was still drawn to ones that I didn't think were good choices, and this was the first of my picks that she really liked. The eager saleswoman jotted down the style number, and then Maddie started to turn around and try on the rest waiting in her dressing room. As she did, a dress on a mannequin caught her eye. â€Å"Oh, Georgina, I know what you said, but you have to try that on,† Maddie begged. I followed her gaze. The dress was slinky and sexy, floor-length violet charmeuse with straps that tied around the neck. You were wearing that color the first time we met. I averted my eyes. â€Å"Not ugly enough to be a bridesmaid dress.† â€Å"It'd look great on you. Everything looks great on you,† she added with a shake of her head. â€Å"Besides, you could wear that to other things. Parties and stuff.† It was true. It didn't scream bridesmaid. Not taffeta or bright orange. Before I could protest further, the saleswoman had already fetched one from the rack, guessing my size with that uncanny ability her kind had. So, reluctantly, I tried the dress on while Maddie went to her next option. The size wasn't perfect, but a little shape-shifting neatened it up where it needed to be. Maddie was right. It did look good on me, and when I stepped out, she took it as a done deal that I'd buy it – no, she offered to buy it – and would be in her wedding. The saleswoman, seeing an opportunity, and possibly getting back at me for my tyrannical attitude, had â€Å"helpfully† fetched two more dresses for me to try while I waited for Maddie. Maddie claimed she couldn't stand the thought of me waiting around with nothing to do, so I reluctantly took them into the dressing room. They too looked good, but not as good as the violet. I was returning them to the saleswoman when my eye caught something. It was a bridal dress. It was made of ivory duchess satin, the fabric wrapping around the waist and halter top. The skirt was draped, pulled into little tiers. I stared. It would have been a disaster on Maddie, but on me†¦ â€Å"Want to try it?† asked the saleswoman slyly. Something told me that bridesmaids covertly trying on brides' dresses wasn't a rare phenomenon around here. The desperate and mournful not-getting-married attitude in action. Before I knew it, I was back in the dressing room, wearing the ivory dress. You were wearing that color the first time we met. Seth had been wrong about that and corrected himself, but for some reason, the words came to me yet again. And the dress looked great. Really great. I wasn't overly tall but was slim enough that it didn't matter – and I filled out the top beautifully. I stared at myself in a way I hadn't with the other dresses, trying to imagine myself as a bride. There was something about brides and weddings that instinctively spoke to so many women, and I shared the impulse as well, jaded succubus or no. The grim statistics didn't matter: the divorce rates, the infidelity I'd witnessed so often†¦ Yes, there was something magical about brides, an image fixed into the collective subconscious. I could see myself with flowers in my hands and a veil on my head. There'd be well-wishers and joy, the giddy faith and hope of a beautiful life together. I'd been a bride once, so long ago. I'd had those dreams, and they'd blown away. I sighed and took the dress off, afraid I might start crying. There would be no wedding for me. No bridal hopes. Not with Seth, not with anyone. Those things were lost to me forever. There was only an eternity alone, no lifelong lovers, only those I shared a night with†¦. Unsurprisingly, I was kind of depressed for the rest of the day. Maddie bought the violet dress for me, and I was too glum to protest – which she read as acceptance of my bridesmaid fate. We made it through the rest of our dress stops but didn't get to the bakeries. By the end of it all, we had four candidates for her dress, which I regarded as good progress. My mood didn't abate at work. I holed up in my office as much as I could, seeking solitude and my own dark thoughts. When I finally made it home after that eternity-long day, I found the condo empty and was astonished at how much that hurt me. I wished with all my heart that Roman was around, and it wasn't even to talk about Simone or other immortal mysteries. I just wanted his company. I just wanted to talk to him and not be alone. He was an infuriating part of my life, but he was also turning into a fixed infuriating part of my life. With a gloomy eternity ahead, that meant something. I knew better than to wait up for him†¦but found myself doing it anyway. I lounged on the couch with Grey Goose and the cats, taking some small sweetness from those warm, furry creatures that loved me. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was on, which didn't cheer me up any. Like the masochist I was, I watched it anyway. At least, I thought I was. Because suddenly, the loud shriek of a car horn blasted into my ears. I blinked and jerked my head around. I wasn't on the couch. There were no cats, no vodka. I sat on the railing of my balcony, precariously positioned. The horn had come from below, on the street. One car had nearly swiped another, and the near-victim had honked in his outrage. I didn't exactly remember the trip out here. I did, however, remember the force that had drawn me – largely because it was still there. The light and the music – that feeling of comfort and rightness that was so hard to articulate hovered before me, off in the air. It was like a tunnel. No, it was like an embrace, arms waiting to welcome me home. Come here, come here. Everything will be all right. You are safe. You are loved. In spite of myself, one of my legs shifted on the railing. How easy would it be to step over, to walk into that sweet comfort? Would I fall? Would I simply hit the hard sidewalk below? It wouldn't kill me if I did. But maybe I wouldn't fall. Maybe I'd step into that light, into the bliss that could block out the pain that always seemed to surround me lately†¦. â€Å"Are you out of your fucking mind?† The driver that had nearly been hit had gotten out of his car and was yelling at the other. That driver got out and returned the insults, and a loud tirade began. One of my neighbors on the floor below opened his patio and shouted for them all to shut up. The argument, that jarring noise, brought me back to myself. Once more, the siren song faded away, and for the first time, I almost felt†¦regret. Carefully, I climbed off the rail and back to the solidity of the balcony. A fall might not kill me, but good God, it would hurt. I walked back into the condo, finding everything exactly as I'd left it. Even the cats hadn't moved, though they looked up at my arrival. I sat between them, absentmindedly petting Aubrey. I was scared again, scared and eerily attracted to what had just happened – and that scared me more. Despite the vodka tonight, my last encounter had proven alcohol wasn't to blame. No connection. Yet†¦it occurred to me there had been a common link all three times. My mood. Each time, I'd been down†¦sad about my lot in life, seeking reassurance that wasn't to be found. And that's when this phenomenon would happen, offering a solution and the comfort I thought was beyond me. That was bad news for me. Because if this thing was drawn to woe and unhappiness, I had plenty of it to go around.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Filipino Dish Called Kare-Kare Essay Example for Free (#2)

A Filipino Dish Called Kare-Kare Essay ? In general, Filipinos are known to be food lovers. This results in varieties of recipes that were either borrowed or produced. And among these is one of the most popular Filipino dishes named â€Å"Kare-kare†. But why â€Å"Kare-kare†? What does it possess that others are lacking? Well, to know the reason behind this, let me bring you to the colourful world of â€Å"Kare-kare† dish. From a far, you can feel the heat coming from the pot as the pork leg bathes itself in hot water. It is showered with salt and vetsin. Now, as the pork leg softens and feels comfortable inside, a cup of red, thick atsuete starts to flow around it. And looking like a painter’s colour palette, the golden ground peanut and white ground rice mixed with the river of atsuete, covering the entire pot surface. The tub then becomes more attractive and vivid, catching the attention of Mr. Green string beans, Ms. Banana bud, the leafy chinese cabbage, and the ever elegant purple eggplant to jump over. â€Å"Plok†¦ plok†¦ plok†, you can hear as the nutritious vegetables dive inside the world of â€Å"Kare-kare†. So pleasurable! But wait, there’s more. Accompanying this delicious and beautiful dish is a cup of bagoong embellished with chopped liempo. The tenderness of liempo and saltiness of bagoong perfectly match the â€Å"Kare-kare† recipe which will surely leave you asking for more. Satisfying right? Indeed this popular Filipino cuisine is very nutritious and more colourful. It is original and will not only feed your mind and your stomach, but will also wake up your love for the Philippines. Try to share it with others, perhaps to your family or friends, and I’m sure they will feel exactly the same way as you and I do even while just reading this essay. So what are you waiting for? Stop imagining and start cooking your â€Å"Kare-kare†. A Filipino Dish Called Kare-Kare. (2017, Feb 05).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Enchancinf m-commerce adoption in Thailand Essay

Enchancinf m-commerce adoption in Thailand - Essay Example This technology has seen rapid development and it has increased an organization’s ability to reach its customers regardless of the geographic distances due to which even farmers in India and Bangladesh made use of this technology. This in turn has created more demand for more advanced mobile devices with advance features. However, the success of m-commerce lies on mutual trust as trust plays a vital role in acceptance. It has become vital to the economic growth of a nation. While more than a third of mobile users in Japan had already used their phones to buy goods by 2003, m-commerce was introduced in Thailand only in 2005 (ATM Marketplace, 2003). It has been found that countries like Korea and Japan experience widespread penetration and success while another important Asian country – namely Thailand lags behind in e-commerce penetration. Developing countries have an advantage in adopting technology or ICT as they just have to follow the leader and thereby avoid costly mistakes (Gray & Sanzogni, 2004). Thailand has been competent in every respect, including political stability and financial robustness in introducing technology but it did not succeed. Penz (2006) contends that differences in behaviour and response pattern differ across culture and societies. Individuals group together through shared beliefs, emotions, lifestyles and consumption patterns. These perceptions, ideas and representations become the social creations and people base their responses accordingly. The attitude of the Thais has prevented new technologies from being accepted by the community at large (Gray & Sanzogni, 2004). This is because they do not tolerate failure and they do no readily accept ideas from the younger generation. This is also the reason that the government was slow to acknowledge the importance of internet for the progress of the nation. The Thai culture is based on trust and relationships with others,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Psychology Chapter Reading Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psychology Chapter Reading Summary - Essay Example This will not only impact the person to whom the communication is being directed but to other listeners as well. Another way in which admiration and appreciation can be more powerful is being specific. Being specific will place more emphasis on the person giving the appreciation rather than on the person being appreciated. It is more powerful to focus on the specific quality that is being admired or appreciated. Being specific can benefit the speaker as well into doing some introspection. A third way of allowing appreciation and admiration to be more powerful is to make the communication non attributive. Usually one makes general descriptions in communicating appreciating and admiration. Telling someone about his qualities or characteristics is not effective. It doesn’t allow the person to recognize the value. A more effective method would be to communicate to the person in such a way so as to relate your experience gained from his actions. In communication, it is felt that it is more useful to speak in the first person rather than in the second person when we are communicating negative experiences. When the first person is used the listener is placed in a passive position. The same holds true for communicating positive experiences. In using the second person there is a lack of sincerity and originality. Ongoing reward shows our experience of the person and not about the persons themselves. Words are very powerful in the field of communication. They are capable of influencing our thoughts, feelings, and inter personal relationships. Words can be misinterpreted according to the context, cultural setting and even by gender differences. Words communicate a literal meaning as well as a subjective and personal meaning and are more precise if they have a concrete rather than an abstract meaning. They have the power to evoke negative reactions as

Monday, August 26, 2019

Marketing Planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Marketing Planning - Assignment Example Some dangled the benefit, some the direct offer, some contained a pricing cut, some concentrated on branding and gave away free items such as T-shirts. The goal was to determine the best motivation for customers that would make them purchase the car or, at the very least, show some interest on the product. They determined that the price discount is the best motivation. The $0 down offer resulted to 71 percent more direct responses than all of the other marketing offers they’ve launched in the past. He also went further by getting looking at where the customers came from, what they do, and their gender (Clifford, 2009). Mr. Herman used the data to convince Vespa that the $0 down is the most effective marketing offer and it is what should carried by the advertising agency. From the glory days of the glamorous Madison avenue, marketing has always been about creative images and catchy taglines but the current utilities available to businesses are allowing the collection of data to predict behaviour, determine climate of marketing environment and discover the most effective business strategy that to increase branding and revenues (Brennan, 2008). Such innovation could readily allow Starbucks to change its marketing strategy as dictated by the market. It is a true market – led strategic change. ... The Social assessment is a critical aspect because it examines the mainstream culture and how society will react to a product. Technology also affects the business. As new equipment and processes are developed, creating new products and producing the existing line becomes easier and more efficient. All these factors play a part in the marketing and affect the profitability of the company. b) Apply organisational and environmental auditing techniques to Starbucks. Starbucks is one of the very few companies who have the opportunity to establish an intimate relationship with its consumers (See figure 2 to see how Starbucks uses its IT) because of the different government policies that allowed it foster. It was able to advance its products, exercise freedom on designing marketing problems, advertising materials, and design its retail stores to reflect the image of freedom it projects. It is necessary to determine exactly how the US government was able to support this growth through the p olicies it set up such as business laws, taxes, employee rights, and others. For example, Starbucks enjoy big tax breaks on its environmental efforts. It has long supported recycling and the use of sustainable materials. It also provides incentives to customers who use their own cup when they go to Starbucks. Such efforts earn Starbucks as much $5,000 tax incentives for every $100,000 investment. The rate changes from state to state but nearly every State in America provides incentives. It can also enjoy tax incentives provided to big corporations. It is possible for Starbucks to measure the effects of these policies further by setting up a data-centered

Collective Agreements in Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Collective Agreements in Canada - Essay Example The following in these agreements shall be compared and contrasted: management rights; union security; seniority; contracting out, and finally grievance procedures. A management rights clause is an agreement between employers and unions about how much autonomy the employer has in running the daily operations of a business and the decisions that the employer makes should not violate the collective agreements that have been made nor should they violate provincial and federal laws. In the case of both agreements as shown especially by the Treasury Board Secretariat (Article 4,Section 4.01), it is stated that the functions, rights, powers and authority which the employers have not specifically edited, delegated or modified in the agreements are recognized by the respective unions as being retained by the employers. Both of these agreements are in line with the main conditions of the management rights clause because they clearly specify what the jurisdictions of the employers and the unio ns are in relation to the employees and they set out guidelines on how to handle them without any interference with the day-to-day functions of the respective organizations. The union security section entails that employees are required to pay monies to maintain the union, and gives the union the exclusive right to bargain with the employers. This is as seen in the Treasury Board of Canada’s (Article 7, Section 7.01) agreement with the General Workers Union, which declares that the employer should be aware that the union as the only negotiator and mediator for all workers. Moreover, it states that it has the right to appoint stewards whose jurisdiction he, jointly with the union, shall determine having regard to the plan of the organization, the disbursement of employees at the work place and the administrative structure implied in the grievance procedure. The agreement between the Valard Company and the Union of Skilled Workers (Section 2) on the other hand states that all e mployees falling under the scope of the agreement will apply for membership in the union and will maintain their membership within the union as a condition of employment. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the employer to co–operate with the union in all matters except for policing membership status. Both of these agreements require that the jurisdiction under which they fall have to be members of their respective union as a condition of employment. It can further be seen that the employees have no choice in the matter and that if they were not registered members of the unions, then they would lose their entitlement to employment, because the unions cannot provide the services that are required of them without the funding from its registered members. Security of employment is one of the foremost issues that occur between employers and employees and unions have attempted to deal with this problem by adding within the stipulations of collective agreements requirements for seniority whereby the employer is to promote, lay-off and re-employ his employees by considering the length of previous service. Although the two agreements that we are discussing in this paper have no seniority clauses, it is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Presidency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Presidency - Essay Example According to Neustadt, the presidency is an institution, and therefore the main tenet of institutionalism is a focus on the office of the presidency, as opposed to the person occupying the office of the presidency (Dickson, 260). In as much as Dickson (278) agrees with this notion that the presidency is an institution, he doesn’t denote that there are other factors that might influence an individual who hold an office, apart from the rules that guide the operations of the presidency. These factors are the inter-personal factors of the leader, which might include their academic levels, childhood experiences, religious believes, etc. On this basis, Neustadt has some bias in his study of the presidency, by insisting that it is the rules that guide the office which affect the manner in which an individual operates. Dickson (261) recognizes the immense role that Neustadt has played in the advancement of the studies involving the presidency. This is because other scholars borrowed f rom the tenets of institutionalism to develop other theories of the presidency. The theory under consideration is the new institutional theory. Dickson (260) argues that due to the inefficiencies of institutionalism, other theorists developed the new institutional theory for purposes of guiding the presidency, in their attempt to collect information, for bargaining purposes. However, Dickson (287) is quick to denote that new institutional theory has failed to help the presidency in acquiring information that can be used for bargaining purposes. This is because new institutionalism has failed to develop efficient and proper channels in which the office of the presidency can follow for purposes of collecting information to use for bargaining. Dickson (260) therefore prefers older channels of presidential communication, as opposed to the newer methods of presidential control. For instance, Dickson advocates for institutionalism theory, as opposed to new institutional theories of the pr esidency. This is despite the failure of new institutional theory to factor in the cognitive and personality of the leader in their decision making process. However, in explaining in his points, Dickson goes back to history, and analyzes the presidency of Roosevelt, Lyndon’s presidency, etc. Dickson (266) argues that institutional theory arose out of the need of the presidency to acquire information, and use that information for bargaining purposes. Access of accurate information is a very valuable tool for any leader. The manner in which a leader acquires and disseminates information is a crucial factor on whether he or she will succeed during their presidency. Neustadt knew of the value of information, and he thus developed his ideas based on the desire to develop an efficient method in which the aides of a president can help him or her to acquire the necessary information for bargaining purposes (p. 277). This article manages to use relevant examples in articulating the va rious points contained in it. For example, Dickson (262) manages to explain the various bureaucratic processes that occur at white house. This is in regard to acquisition of information, and its subsequent dissemination. For example, he denotes that when Roosevelt took the office of the presidency, he managed to create an office referred to as the executive office of the presidency (Dickson, 262). This office was responsible for personnel, policy planning and budgeting. He manages to effectively compare the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Phase 4 Individual Project 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Phase 4 Individual Project 2 - Assignment Example There was a keen and clear understanding that percolated through the organization: the company would focus on the discovery of ‘New Chemical Entities’ (or NCEs) and work towards the development of such molecules into viable drugs for sale in the market. The business goal of the company was to be a ‘market leader’ in the field of Drug discovery and research. The various laboratory instruments and equipment were chosen for procurement, based on the planned service capabilities of the company. Our company had invested in top quality bio-safety cabinets, laminar airflow chambers, gel documentation systems, liquid chromatography systems, flow cytometers and incubators, to name a few. The laboratory set up involved bulk investment of capital and recruitment of scientific personnel to handle such precision instruments. Clients were given tours of the laboratory facility and audits were managed professionally. This brought a good reputation to the company and soon, the company won its first major client: one of the ‘Top 10 Pharma companies’ of the nation! Pilot R&D studies were successfully conducted in the laboratory and the client was satisfied with the level of work and commitment. A few months in to the project from its first ever client, our company received a query to conduct ‘Clinical Trials’ on a particular drug that was discovered elsewhere. The management was keen to capitalize on such a wonderful opportunity that came along! ‘Clinical Research’ is indeed a dimension very different from ‘Drug Research and Development’; yet, it was lucrative since it promised good earnings in a much shorter duration. Our company’s senior management consisted of a Managing Director (who was not from the Life Sciences background), a President (who was a figure head) and a Chief Operating Officer (who was specialized in consulting services). The Head of the R&D facility was consulted for expert a dvice on this new project. After a few rounds of internal discussion, the management decided to go ahead with bidding for this Clinical Research project. The client insisted on several rounds of negotiation to which our company acceded. The final quote (which ultimately won the deal) was the lowest bid amongst all the local competitors. There were huge celebrations for winning the project and the existing employees were highly motivated and enthusiastic! The client expressed his urgency to begin the project with immediate effect. The Head of the R&D facility was now required to devote his time to the new project (though it meant a stark deviation from his original job responsibilities), owing to the project’s criticality. Resources were hastily recruited for the sole purpose of meeting the demands of this project. New departments such ‘Clinical Operations’, ‘Clinical Data Management’ and ‘Regulatory Affairs’ were formed in order to cater to the sudden requirements of the ‘clinical research’ sector. The Human Resource Development team was under extreme pressure to recruit the right resources in a very short span of time. The then existing Senior Management arranged for the legal documentation in the absence of a dedicated ‘Business team’. The project timelines and the milestones for payment proposed by the Sponsor (client) were quickly accepted by our company, in a bid to initiate this major project. A ‘Project Kick – Off meeting’ was arranged to formally commence the proceedings. A

Friday, August 23, 2019

Four Different Article Reviews Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Four Different Reviews - Article Example The main objective of this paper is to provide an in depth analysis of human resource development index mechanism and the components of the technological achievement Index, and also to find out the relation exist between them as both this parameters are very much dependent on each other. This paper is based on the relation between human resource developments and there relation with economic growth and research capacity. The research and analysis proves that human resource development index alone is not sufficient enough to analyze the economic development of any country. The main factor coming out from this paper is there is a co relation between the trained human resource of any country with the technological development as well as economic growth of that country. According to the analysis of this paper, Croatia along with other developing countries has to make critical investments as well as detail follow up in the line of growth of human capital and their labor productivity to red uce developmental lags which they are having. Key points of the Paper: Before the technological development and restructuring of the organization come in to play, land, labor and capital these three parameters were the key for the growth of any country. But as the time moves on, with the development of organization structure and also the scientific –technological revolution, all set up started to change. For any country which relies on knowledge based economics, both human resources and knowledge simultaneously become key factors for the development. From a broader perspective, human resources defined as the total psycho-physical energy at the disposal of a society, which can be used by the society to achieve its developmental goals (Aksentijevic, Jezic; 2009, pp. 263-264). In regard to evaluating the contribution of human resources to economic growth and development on macro level, education is considered as a basic parameter. In simple words, the development of any country in terms of economic perspective education level is the key factor in spite of the fact that present world is more technology oriented. The paper also suggested that in last few years, it has been a proven fact that there is a close relation between economic growth and development, human resources development, research, innovations and technology, and the theory that economic development is only based on technological and human resource development is being abandoned. In a knowledge-based economy, knowledge management becomes a success strategy, as the effective and proper use of the knowledge base becomes a necessary pre-requisite of economic development. One key finding of this paper is that, the ability to suck up knowledge and successful distribution of new technologies are the key behind development of an economy. (Aksentijevic and Jezic, 2009, pp.266-268) .The basic principle of the ability to absorb knowledge and technology is reflected in greater efficiency of labor force, w hich generates greater production, and a greater income level. The key results derived from this analysis was the Human Resources Development Index is insufficient in the analysis of economic development and it is mentioned that unambiguous explanations of technological progress of human resources development as the basic force of economic growth is no longer sufficient, is correct (Aksentijevic and Jezic, 2009, pp.269-271). According to this paper, the possible ways of developing economic conditions are: Increase in human capital, Stimulation of productivity. In

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Firestick Farming Essay Example for Free

Firestick Farming Essay What is Fire stick farming? Fire stick farming is the traditional way Aboriginal people looked after the land and created fire breaks to ensure large destructive summer fires were not a threat. Communication Fire was a form of communication. When water supplies were running low one of the men would travel to where they knew the next source of water would be. On his way there he would take a fire stick and burn small patches of grass as he went. If the waterhole had sufficient water, he would build up a stockpile grass, wood, a few green leaves and branches. When he lit it the thick smoke would signal the family that it was time to shift camp to this new location. They could easily follow the freshly burnt out pathway to the waterhole. Hunting Fire was an important with hunting but was rarely used to actually kill animals directly. Instead, areas were set on fire in such a way as to direct animals to where they could be easily killed. Fire was also be used to smoke animals out of caves and tree trunks. After the fire would attract animals back to the area, once again providing easy hunting. In different parts of Australia different fire regimes were used and adapted to local needs Land Management Aboriginal people burn the land in the cool months when there are dark clouds. Fire was, and in some placed still is, used to ‘clean up’ the country. The men organized burnt patches giving the landscape an arrangement pattern of different aged grasses. Patch burning created good habitat for small game mammals such as Bilbies and Mala. They sheltered in the old grasses and fed of the new grasses. Fire stick farming is the traditional way Aboriginal people looked after the land and created fire breaks to ensure large destructive summer fires were not a threat. With the land burnt, new growth was promoted and soon became plenty, food could be gathered for several months after a fire.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Characterisation Essay Example for Free

Characterisation Essay Main character: The character that plays the biggest role in the plot of the story. Major character: Characters that play a big role in the story. Minor character: Characters that play a minor role in the story. Round characters: Round characters are like real people. They have complex, multi-dimensional personalities. They are capable of growing and changing. They are often, but not always, major characters. Flat characters: They have one-dimensional personalities. They represent or portray one particular characteristic. They are a type, e. g. the jealous lover, the fool or the grumpy, old man. They are often, but not always, minor characters. Dynamic characters: They change as a result of their experiences. Static characters: They do not learn from their experiences, and, thus, remain unchanged. How does the author convey character? 1. Telling: The narrator tells how the character is, feels, thinks, etc. 2. Showing: The character reveals his or her personality through what the character says and does. 3. Setting: The author might use the setting (time and place) to say something about the character, e.g. about the character’s emotions or feelings. 4. Comparison to other characters: It might be useful to analyse how the character relate to the other characters in the story, e.g. if there are characters that are in opposition to, or different from, the character in question. 5. Appearance: The character’s clothes, looks and general appearance can often tell us something about the character’s personality. Questions to ask when analysing characters: 1. Is the character a main, major or minor character? 2. Is it a round or a flat character? 3. Is it a dynamic or a static character? 4. Does the author reveal the character through showing or telling, or both? 5. What does the way the character speaks reveal about his character? 6. What does his behaviour reveal about his character?  7. Is she similar or different from other characters in the story? How does she relate to the other characters? 8. Has the setting shaped the character’s personality? 9. Does the setting reflect the character’s mood or emotional state?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Study On Australian Globalization Economics Essay

A Study On Australian Globalization Economics Essay The effects of Globalization are manifold, affecting various aspects of the world economy to bring about overall financial betterment. The impact of Globalization exerts intense influence on the financial condition as well as the industrial sector of a particular nation. Globalization creates markets based on industrial productions across the world. This in turn, widens the access to a diverse variety of foreign commodities for consumption of the customers, owing to the marketing strategies undertaken by different corporations. states that In the world economic arena, Globalization facilitates the formation of a common worldwide market, on the basis of the liberal exchange of both cash and kinds. Globalisation has largely benefited the Australian economy. As Australia has an abundance of natural resources that our whole population cannot use, the extra surplus is sold to other countries that have a demand for the resources, giving us a world market of over 6.5 billion people. states that Australia As a country with a stable government and substantial revenue, globalisation, in many ways, has been positive. Australia has not fallen into the cycle of debt that many developing nations have suffered, nor have we been adversely affected by bad investments. Australias strong economy has therefore been strengthened during the globalization time. An international trade theory can be seen as a measure to address problems in a country which has high unemployment, inflation or a weak macro economy. One international trade theory is known as mercantilism, and this theory suggests that a government can improve its economic well-being for the country by increasing exports and reducing imports. Two of the other main trade theories are known as absolute advantage and comparative advantage. If a country has an absolute advantage over its trading partners, it is able to produce more of a good or service with the same amount of resources or the same amount of a good or service with fewer resources, whereas a country that has a comparative advantage in the production of a good or service, produces it at a lower opportunity cost than its trading partners. According to Ahsan Kaleem, The theory of comparative costs argues that it is better for a country that is inefficient at producing a good or service to specialise in the production of th at good it is least inefficient at, compared with producing other goods. Another important trade theory known as the factor endowment theory, strongly supplements the theory of comparative advantage by bringing consideration to the endowment and cost of factors of production. The theory states that countries with a big labour force will focus on labour intensive goods, and countries with more capital will focus on producing goods that are capital intensive. states that The benefits of international trade have been the major drivers of growth for the last half of the 20th century and nations with strong international trade have become prosperous and have the power to control the world economy. There are a few more important benefits of international trade, one of which is the fact that it enhances the domestic competitiveness and takes advantage of international trade technology. An increase in sales and profit can be made through international trade and an extend sales potential of the existing products is created. In an international trade market, the ability to maintain cost competitiveness in a domestic market is achievable and the potential to expand a business is enhanced. There is a reduce in dependence on existing markets within the global trade scene and a stabilisation of seasonal market fluctuations can also be achieved. A government may choose to intervene in international trade largely based on the fact of wanting to change the allocation of resources and achieve what they perceive to be an improvement in economic and social welfare. Geoff Riley states that all governments of every political persuasion intervene in the economy to influence the allocation of scarce resources among competing users. The main reasons for policy intervention are to correct for market failure, to achieve a more equitable distribution of income and wealth and to improve the performance of the economy. There are many ways in which intervention can take place; these include government legislation and regulation, the direct state provision of goods and services, the fiscal policy intervention and an intervention designed to close the information gap. Regulation can be used to introduce fresh competition into a market whereas the state funding can be used to provide goods and services and public goods directly to the population. The fiscal policy can be used to alter the level of demand for different products and also the pattern of demand within the economy. Market failure often results from consumers suffering from a lack of information about the costs and benefits of the products available in the market. Through government action, and increase in information to help consumers and producers value the true cost and benefit of a good or service can be found. The global trade system can have a variety of different implications if it is not conducted in the correct manner. International trade may discourage the growth of domestic industries and excessive exports may cause quick depletion of natural resources of a country. Global trade may create economic dependence which may threaten political independence and in the case of intense competition, exports may lead to rivalry among nations. Also, Soumya Singh believes that too much dependence on imports may undermine the economy of a country and developed countries may economically exploit the underdeveloped countries that are dependent on international trade for their economic development. The globalisation of markets and the development of the global economy have had a definite impact on both the international and Australian economies. There are many benefits to be gained through international trade; however, if it is not conducted in the correct manner, there could also be many implications. Through the various trade theories and government intervention, the most effective way for each country to be involved within the international trade market can be utilised, and as a result, can boost the global economy and support the idea of globalisation. Sources: Kaleem, A, 2005, International Trade Theories [online]. Available from: [September 2012], 2010, Benefits of International Trade [online]. Available from: [September 2012], 2010, Effects of Globalization [online]. Available from: [September 2012] Riley, G, 2006, Government Intervention in the Market [online]. Available from: [September 2012] Singh, S, 2012, What are the Disadvantages of Foreign Trade? [online]. Available from: [September 2012], 2012, Globalisation in Australia [online]. Available from: [September 2012]

Monday, August 19, 2019

Two Different Attitudes, Two D Essay -- essays research papers

Two Different Attitudes, Two Different Worlds   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this essay I am going to compare and contrast the speakers and the stories of 'Homage to my Hips'; and 'Her Kind';. The speakers in this stories have very different attitudes, and approaches in telling their story about the same topic. While talking about the oppression of women, both Lucille Clifton and Anne Sexton take the own stance on the situation. While Clifton expresses her proud and self-confident attitude, Sexton on the other hand speaks in a very snotty, self-righteous tone. Each of these extremely influential woman, that I will be talking about describe their own individual experiences. These experiences create a very clear, individualistic tone that makes the poems of these two writers differ in many ways.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The speaker in 'Homage to my Hips'; carries a very proud and self-confident attitude. The best example of this would be when the speaker says, 'These hips are mighty hips. These hips are magic hips. I have known them to put a spell on a man and spin him like a top!';(Pg705). That line is so powerful, it portrays the image that she thinks that bug women are better than men. The speaker in this poem is also a very brave and daring type of women. 'They don't like to be held back. These hips have never been enslaved, they go where they want to go';(Pg705), that line shows how brave the speaker is. It conveys the message that ...

Does Playing Violent Video Games Promote Aggressive Behavior? Essay exa

Introduction Violent video games are becoming more popular among children and adolescents of all ages since its debut approximately 30 years ago. This growing popularity is generating an increasing concern that these sometimes very graphic videos and life like characters can have a negative influence on the younger generation. Although never proven, there has been speculation that some of the high school shootings across the country were committed by students who were habitual players of violent video games. Due to these concerns, a non-profit, self-regulatory organization was established in 1994 by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) to appropriately rate all video games from EC (early childhood), E (everyone), E10+ (everyone 10 and over), T (teen), M (mature), and AO (adults only). While assessing the efficacy of violent video game ratings, it is unknown how effective these ratings are for the intended audience (Becker-Olsen & Norberg, 2010). The purpose of this paper is to present a literature review on existing articles relating to the possibility of violent video games promoting aggressive behavior. The hypothesis set forth was that people who played non-violent video games displayed more Prosocial behavior versus those who played violent video games displayed more antisocial and aggressive behavior. A search was conducted on regular search engines on the internet, and on EBSCOhost using the title â€Å"can violent video games promote aggressive behavior.† The research articles presented are obtained from five case studies each focusing on different measures that were obtained, methods used, the participants involved, the designs of the study, and the results of the studies. Measures Demonstrating Viole... .... DOI: 10.1080/10888690903288748. Retrieved from EBSCOhost Research Database. Polman, H., Orobio De Castro, B. & Van Aken, M. A.G. (2008). Experimental Study of the Differential Effects of Playing Versus Watching Violent Video Games on Children’s Aggressive Behavior. Wiley-Liss Inc. Interscience. Doi: 10.1002/ab.20245. Retrieved from EBSCOhost Research Database. Saunderson, Matt (August 17th, 2005). The American Psychological Association says violence in Videogames is bad for children’s health. Retrieved from Article.php?artid=1760. Suhn Lee, M., & Barr, R. (August 2004,). Effects of Video Game Violence on Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviors. Journal of Young Investigators, 11(2). Retrieved from

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Bass Pro Shops Business Analysis Essay -- Business Strategy Analysis

Primary Problems/Decisions to be made: Bass Pro shop started as an 8-foot-long display area in the back of a liquor store in 1971 and has expanded into a Fortune 500 company that employs over 8,800 employees and has annual sales estimating somewhere around $1.25 billion today. The question at hand is: should Bass Pro Shops continue to expand, and if so at what rate should they? The primary problems they might face when expanding are as follows. Could expansion hurt their brand image and if so how? The Competition outside of Missouri is going to be much greater. They will not have the publicity and brand recognition as they do in Missouri. Does Bass Pro have the financial resources in order to open new stores, if not then what are some options they can exercise? Will Negative publicity threaten their brand image as they continue to grow? Is the cost of overhead going to be too high initially for Bass Pro to expand at a fast rate, if so then at what rate should they expand yearly? These are all problems Bass Pro is going t o have to face in the future. Through research and extensive problem solving, they will be able to make an accurate decision on rather they should expand. II. SWOT Analysis: Strengths: 1. Brand image: a. Identification with consumer -Store brand name enables product to be accepted and adopted more easily by consumers because of brand recognition 2 Selective Distribution: a. Bass Pro is able to expand the product, name, and experience to a larger customer base without cannibalization of their company by setting a radius limit on how close their stores are built. b. They meet the needs of their target market by building their stores in closer proximity. 3. Unique Store Image: a. ... ... a high brand image; while, maintaining customer satisfaction with existing customers and breaking into new markets. Bass Pro is one of the largest U.S. retailing chains of outdoor sporting goods and has an image to uphold, not only with its name but with its products. Maintaining customer satisfaction with existing customers keeps them loyal. Breaking into new markets helps the company grow and brings in new customers, which leads to higher profit margins. Objectives: 1. Open two stores each year for the next five years. a. Expand at least two of those stores in western states 2. Increase sales by 25% to $1.5 billion in the next 4 years 3. Increase sales to current customers by 5% each year by using innovative technology in order to find more efficient ways to distribute and manufacture our products leading to more competitive pricing.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Mother Nature Knows Better in Chemistry Essay

Each and every one of us has a responsibility to protect our environment. Being thinking beings, we have all that it takes to keep our surroundings free from abuse and misuse. All we really need is to know what we do right and which actions we do wrongly to help lessen the effects of modernism to our planet. The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings (Carson 420). Mother Nature is wise. Although all creatures have been given the proper habitats and basic needs to live, earth also provided organisms that would limit each species’ reproduction so that a healthy balance is acquired. This equilibrium has given peace on earth until man had learned to use his mind to alter his environment. The want for a better and comfortable life has always been man’s weakness. This has been the reason why history shows that different cultures have tried to get the best of other worlds into their own lands. Plants and animals have been imported by different countries to adapt these creatures to another culture’s different needs. However, this has destroyed the balance that nature had intended and has resulted to negative effects such as the transportation of unneeded microorganisms. Carson explains that each organism has counter creatures and aspects in its natural habitat that limit its population to the number that is needed to balance the environment it belongs to. Whenever an organism is transported to another place, there is no guarantee that the new habitat will be able to control its population. This, therefore, can become a threat to its new environment in the form of pests or even epidemics. Another reason for imbalance is the farming system that has been developed. When more than the normal quantity of crops are planted in just one place, the insects that are attracted to these also grow in abundance. Therefore, upsetting the natural balance of the environment causes problems like pestilence. Urban lifestyle has also contributed to the problems of insect infestation. In some countries, the natural habitat has been interrupted by the build up of too many houses (and slums) in just a particular piece of land. Irresponsible disposal of garbage and unhealthy habits also give rise to the problem of mosquitoes and other pests. Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (DDT) has been the first synthetic pesticide that was ever invented to control infestation. Carson believes that this chemical and the other man-made pesticides leave particles on the areas that have been treated and this harms the other parts of the environment. This has become the premise for the invention of chemicals that will counter attack the problems of insects. The term â€Å"chemical† is defined by the Oxford Dictionary noun a distinct compound or substance, especially one which has been artificially prepared or purified. Being man-made, it can destroy the balance of nature. Modern society has a wide inventory of many chemicals that can be harmful to the environment. Some of these such as hair sprays, cleaning aids, smoke from cigarettes and cars, etc. do not seem harmful but researcher say otherwise. DDT has even been ascribed as a factor that leads to cancer. Ronald Bailey (427), an environmental reporter, believes that DDT has been falsely accused of being a carcinogen because research cannot prove that it really does cause cancer. However, environmentalists like Rachel Carson have ignorantly used this premise to increase awareness for our planet. Whether or not DDT is a carcinogen, it is just one of the synthetic materials that have come to dominate human living. Thousands of other inventions using chemicals have brought forth many problems that are not just harmful but also irreversible. Global warming, based on Encyclopaedia Britannica, is an increase in global average surface temperature resulting from an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide (caused by natural emissions of plants and combustion from carbon-containing materials), methane (produced industrially by the destructive distillation of bituminous coal in the manufacture of coal gas), and certain other trace gases in the atmosphere. Industrial emissions and smoke belching automobiles are being blamed for this phenomenon. This has caused a lot of controversy because it means that the earth is becoming too warm for human existence. However, according to climate scientists, human activities have very little effect on the climate, compared to many other factors, from volcanoes to clouds. (Sowell) Global warming is just an issue being used by other scientists to get grants for their studies. These researchers claim that with or without man’s inventions, nature has its own causes of global temperature changes. The truth in the many arguments about what civilization has done to the environment is hard to decipher for common students. However, whether or not pesticides are carcinogens and even if global-warming is a doubtful issue, our environment is a very important place that all must protect from abuse and misuse. Pesticides may not be immediately fatal for humans but to comply with universal laws, there is a need to use these in moderation. Anything overdone can lead to serious consequences such as food poisoning and allergies. Industrial wastes, even if they apparently do not really affect global-warming, can still cause pollution that leads to many health issues. The earth is the only home for us human beings. It is where we get our food and breathe the air that we need to survive. It provides us with the shelter we need to protect ourselves from the harsh realities of our own habitat. We need to find ways to start ensuring the safety of our environment against man’s drive to improve lives by ignoring possible negative consequences. The European nations are a model right now for environmental protection. Car companies need to recall their older less-functional models so that these can be recycled into new products for their later models. Other electronic gadgets like personal computers and mobile telephones are also being eyed for this project. Forced to recover value from their discarded consumer goods, companies will have a strong incentive to design the toxics out of their products and to make them easier to disassemble and remanufacture (Greider 3). As students, there are many ways that we can also help protect the environment. Proper garbage disposal not only makes places look neat but also drive away the possibility of diseases that are brought by the insects that get attracted to garbage. Maintaining electrical and mechanical gadgets according to manufacturer’s advice also ensures that these are performing safely instead of emitting probable poisonous discharges. Reporting to authorities regarding the incidences of environmental abuse or misuse can also bring solutions to possible harmful situations. It is often said that the roots of environmental destruction lie in treating natural resources as â€Å"free† and not giving them â€Å"value. ’ (Shiva 443) Each little creature on earth serves a purpose for Mother Nature in balancing our environment. It may be hard to understand the impact of our small actions but putting value to the environment can make big changes that can only be seen collectively in the future. We have our own place in this natural balance and it is our responsibility to find the ways to maintain this balance. Works Cited Carson, Rachel. â€Å"The Obligation To Endure. † The Informed Argument. Place Published: Publisher, year. â€Å"Chemical. † The Oxford English Dictionary. 23 May 2007 . â€Å"Global Warming. † Encyclopedia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 23 May 2007 < http://www. search. eb. com/eb/article-9037044>. Greider, William. â€Å"Apollo Now. † The Nation. 02 Jan. 2006. 23 May 2007 < http://www. thenation. com/doc/20060102/greider/3>. Shiva, Vandana. â€Å"Values Beyond Price. † The Informed Argument. Place Published: Publisher, year. Sowell, Thomas. â€Å"Global-Warming Swindle. † National Review Online. 15 March 2007. 23 May 2007 .

Friday, August 16, 2019

Guidance Notes for Unit Essay

Guidance for developing unit assessment arrangements – provided with the QCF unit Current and relevant legislation and policies as appropriate to UK Home Nation. Impact of professional relationships e.g.: †¢ power relationships †¢ dealing with an employed professional †¢ feelings of powerlessness †¢ uncertainties about how to behave and relate. Equalities legislation as appropriate to UK Home Nation. Additional unit assessment requirements provided with the QCF unit Learning outcomes 3 and 4 must be assessed in a realwork environment. Unit needs to be assessed in line with the Skills for Care and Development QCF Assessment Principles. Unit assessment guidance – provided by CACHE Learning outcomes 3 and 4 must be assessed in real work environments by a qualified vocationally competent assessor. SCMP3 Professional practice in children and young peoples social care SCMP3-1.1 Explain how current and relevant legislation and policy affects work with children and young people. Current and relevant legislation and policies include: EYFS 2014 – supports settings to deliver high quality integrated early educaitonOFSTED Welfare standards of care in EY framework National guidance developemtal matters Nutritional guidance Eat Better start better SEN code of practice Children’s Act 1986,2004, 2006 Safeguarding: set out principles to guard and promote welfare of children and young people Key functions that they set out is to achieve daily activities with the child to maximise their opportunities whilst minimising the risk In settings – management liaise with other professionals. All staff are trained and monitoring takes place to ensure procedures are in place and followed SCMP3-1.2 Describe the impact of social care standards and codes of practice on work with children and young people. SCMP3-1.3 Explain the importance  of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). SCMP3- 2.1 Explain the responsibilities of a: corporate parent  professional carer. SCMP3-2.2 Explain what is meant by a ∆duty of care’. SCMP3-2.3 Analyse the impact of professional relationships on children and young people. SCMP3-2.4 Give examples of poor practice and unprofessional conduct that may impact on outcomes for children and young people. SCMP3-2.5 Explain the actions to take where poor practice and unprofessional conduct are having a negative impact on outcomes for children and young people. SCMP3-3.1 Explain the professional responsibility to maintain current and competent practice. SCMP3-3.2 Engage with professional supervision in order to improve practice. SCMP3-3.3 Seek, and learn from, feedback on own practice from colleagues and children and young people. SCMP3-3.4 Explain the importance of understanding the limits of personal competence and when to seek advice. SCMP3-4.1 Demonstrate how to respect and value the professional competence and contribution of colleagues. SCMP3-4.2 Explain own rights and expectations as a professional and how to assert them. SCMP3-5.1 Explain how current equalities legislation affects work with children, young people and families. SCMP3-5.2 Identify examples of good practice in promoting equality and explain how and why they are effective. SCMP3-6.1 Explain what is meant by diversity. SCMP3-6.2 Explain what is meant by anti-discriminatory practice giving examples of how it is applied in practice with children, young people and families. SCMP3-6.3 Describe the effects of discrimination and explain the potential results for children and young people.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Difference between women now and centuries ago Essay

Women are important asset in one’s life even if you are living in the 1800’s, 1900’s or nowadays. The difference between women living years ago and now might varies, such as cultural, social, and fashionable differences. Have you ever wondered what women’s role in life was? Well this depends on the perspective of the person whether a male or a female, it also depends on the time zone. At various time throughout history, working women were viewed as cruel and not devoted to help their children and family. This is wrong; women should develop, gain rights, and become more independent because ignorance kills the identity of a person. What’s the difference between women’s life nowadays and before? Men considered women in ancient societies to be only wives who cook, and take care of their house and children; on the other hand nowadays men look at women as a respectful hard worker and an important asset to our society. Examples of change, women in ancient societies were forbidden to vote. Yet, a brave woman Lydia Taft was courageous enough to be the first women who breaks the rule and vote , after this courageous act New Zealand decided to allow women to vote , since then women made a great change and made their rights approximately equal. Women in the earlier centuries were not allowed to be sociable, they were not allowed to walk on the streets alone or even travel alone, and on the other hand women recently are free to do whatever they like. Even marriage has different aspects many years ago women didn’t have a choice who to marry or to see his face. Marriage took place through tribal processes and father’s decision, but Nowadays women might marry without even caring what her parent’ point of view. This gave the freedom of choice, and by this way less family divorces will occur. Job opportunities for women differ from back then and now. What comes in mind when someone first asks you what is the gender of an engineer instantly what comes in mind is a man. Nowadays this all changed women have many unlimited opportunities in jobs. They can get paid sometimes more than men, they can now run companies, and unlike many years ago their best job is to be teachers. Another aspect is their clothing. Women were extremely cautious when it comes to what to wear. Back then it was rude to wear like nowadays small skirts, Shorts that show thighs, and much more. Education plays an important role to portray how women nowadays differ than women lived centuries ago. Education back then was only offered to men, this lead huge inequality between sexes. This made illiteracy rate high and affect the society negatively making only one brain in the family working rather than two brains. Education is the core of life. Nowadays education is a must and societies are in a good shape due to both sexes educated. Due to the publisher Cox, Matthews & Associates, Inc., from a journal of an unknown author, his point of view stands with that education for women is a vital role that has high opportunities unlike women that didn’t get educated centuries ago. â€Å"Many of us here at Diverse have been privileged to meet dynamic women in the world of higher education and beyond. They lead some of the most demanding and consequential organizations and programs on the planet. No longer sitting on the decision-making sidelines, they have shattered the glass ceiling and, subsequently, have introduced new ways of thinking about and approaching leadership.† Women that are recognized and entered history books will always be praised and remembered as heroes; unlike women living centuries ago that are illiterate. Example from Belle S.Wheelan , president of the accrediting body since 2005, it also means â€Å"Students Are Central to Success,† a fitting description for what motivates her on the job. Wheelan is the first African American and the first woman to lead SACS.† Women struggled a lot in the earlier centuries, but as time passes everything changes. Women achieved a lot and made it into the highest rank in over society. A wise man once said â€Å"Every brave warrior was once a defenseless baby and every building was once a picture it’s not about where you are today but where you’ll reach tomorrow†. Reference: 25 WOMEN MAKING A DIFFERENCE. (2012). Diverse Issues in Higher Education, 29(2), 10-15. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Julia’s Food Booth

(A) Formulate and solve an LP model for this case The objective here is to maximize the profit. Profit is calculated for each variable by subtracting cost from the selling price. The decision variables used are X1 for pizza slices, X2 for hotdog, and X3 for BBQ sandwich.X1 (pizza) X2 (hotdog) X3 (sandwich) Sales Price 1.50 1.50 2.25 Cost 0.75 0.45 0.90 Profit 0.75 1.05 1.35*For Pizza Slice: Cost/Slice = $6/8 = $0.75 cost per slice Maximize Z = 0.75 X1 + 1.05 X2 + 1.35 X3 Constraints: Budget: 0.75X1 + 0.45X2 + 0.90X3 ≠¤ 1500 Oven Space: 24X1 + 16X2 + 25X3 ≠¤ 55,296 in2 The calculation for the oven space is as follows: Pizza slice total space required for a 14 * 14 pizza = 196 in2. Since there are eight slices, we divide 196 by eight, and this gives us approx. 24 in2 per slice. The total dimension of the oven is the dimension of the oven shelf, 36 in * 48 in = 1728 in2, multiplied by 16 shelves = 27,648 in2,  which is multiplied by 2, before kickoff and during the halftime, giving a total space of 55,296 in 2.(B) Evaluate the prospect of borrowing money before the first game. The shadow price or dual value is $1.50 for each additional dollar Julia would increase her profit, if she borrows some money. However, the upper limit of the sensitivity range is $1,658.88, so she should only borrow $158.77 and her additional profit would be $238.32 or a total profit of $2488.32.(C) Evaluate the prospect of paying a friend $100/game to assist. Yes, she should hire her friend for $100/game for it is almost impossible for her to prepare all the food in such a short time. In order for Julia to prepare the hotdogs and barbeque sandwiches she would need the additional help. With Julia being able to borrow the extra $158.88 she would be able to pay her friend.(D) Analyze the impact of uncertainties on the model.The impact of uncertainties such as weather (to sunny, rainy, or cold), competition, increase in food cost, and the attendance at each of the six games could r educe the demand for the items sold by Julia. If it is raining or cold then there may not be as many patrons at the games and if it is to hot people may not want to eat before or during the games. The higher the uncertainties the demand shifts, therefore the solution of the LP model will change and so does her profit. She will not be able to produce a $1000 profit under high uncertainty.

It has to be a article on english language learners Essay

It has to be a article on english language learners - Essay Example The article pointed to some literature about semantic processing between monolinguals and bilinguals and the assumption that bilinguals are as adept as monolinguals when it comes to conceptual processing of tasks such as picture naming. The study conducted an experiment by recruiting 31 English-speaking monolinguals and 31 Spanish English bilinguals from the University of San Diego. One hundred eighty pictures were shown to the participants to determine which group performed better at naming pictures. The method for interpreting the data used ANOVA analysis. The authors proposed that bilinguals primarily differ from monolinguals when they name pictures in their dominant language due to the â€Å"degree of experience that they have had with picture names particular to that language† ( p.8). Nevertheless, the study is not that conclusive since repetition and attenuation must be thoroughly considered in further experiments. In conclusion, the author’s ideas may be considered by early education teachers of the English language to bilingual students . This study can be helpful in understanding the learning needs of bilingual students specially those who belong to marginalized groups. There is no need for a change in policy but a better orientation for English teachers. I highly suggest that this study be a required reading for English teachers so that curriculum would be attuned to the needs of the learners. The second article is titled Assessing the Advantages of Bilingualism for the Children of Immigrants1 by Tanya Golash-Bolza. The article was published in the journal Internal Migration Review in 2005. The purpose of the study is to : â€Å" examine whether or not children of immigrants in the United States benefit from being bilingual. These analyses reveal whether there are costs to resisting linguistic assimilation or if it makes no difference at all so long as students attain English proficiency. More specifically, this study addresses whether

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Racial Profiling on Drug Warfare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Racial Profiling on Drug Warfare - Essay Example However, one can recognize the modest changes in white racist domination in the United States without downplaying the strong relationship between being black and being a target of serious racial discrimination. In one way or another, all black Americans and Caucasians continue to suffer discrimination because white domination of black Americans and other people of color remains a major organizing principle for group life in the United States. According to statistical results "Although African Americans comprise only 12.2 percent of the population and 13 percent of drug users, they make up 38 percent of those arrested for drug offenses and 59 percent of those convicted of drug offenses causing critics to call the war on drugs the "New Jim Crow" (Race and the Drug War n.d.). The racial hierarchy is supported by a range of dominant-group prejudices and stereotypes, yet it is perpetuated most centrally by the discrimination carried out by many whites on a recurring basis. Age-old pattern s of racial inequality-of unjust enrichment and unjust impoverishment-are reproduced by the daily routines of antiblack discrimination. For instance, "During the height of the war on drugs, from 1986 to 1991, the number of white drug offenders in state prisons increased by 110 percent. The number of black drug offenders grew by 465 percent" (Shaw 2000). Police pays a special attention to African-Americans and Caucasians because of ethical differences and stereotypes. It should be no surprise then, that African Americans are often depicted as criminals in mass media. Crime in America is often portrayed in blackface, seemingly suggesting not only that African Americans and Caucasians are likely to be involved in crime, but that they are responsible for most of the crime in America today. "Racial profiling is the law enforcement practice of substituting skin color for evidence as grounds for suspicion" (Race and the Drug War n.d.). Contemporary patterns of discrimination are grounded in the benefits that whites have historically secured. All forms of racial discrimination transmit the legacy of the past, that of slavery and legal segregation. Today discriminatory practices reproduce and reinforce the unjust impoverishment and enrichment of the past. Discrimination also reflects and perpetuates the age-old racist ideology, with its asso ciated array of anti-black images and attitudes. When blacks and Caucasians encounter whites in a broad array of contemporary settings, they often meet negative beliefs about their abilities, values, and orientations. Racial barriers persist today because a substantial majority of whites harbor anti-black sentiments, images, and beliefs and because a large minority are very negative in their perspectives. When most whites interact with black Americans at work, in restaurants, on the street, at school, or in the media they tend to think about the latter, either consciously or unconsciously, in terms of racist stereotypes inherited from the past and constantly reiterated and reinforced in the present (Daum 65). Police may actively persecute blacks, or they may engage in an array of avoidance behaviors.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Skip navigation links BFS 3440-07B BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FOR FIRE Essay - 5

Skip navigation links BFS 3440-07B BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FOR FIRE PROTECTION (BFS3440-07B) - Essay Example The frame is a structure that holds the sprinkler components together .The frame styles may be of low profile, flush standard as well as the concealed amounts. The frames types depends on the areas that should be covered, type of hazard to be protected and the visual effects that may be required. Thermal linkage controls the release of water from the sprinkler systems. The linkages hold the cap in the right place and prevent water from flowing out of the pipes. (Wallace, and Webber, 2004, p. 285). The function of the cap is to provide the water tight seals over the sprinkler orifices that are held in place by the thermal links. In case the thermal fails to function, the cap is released and water finally flows from the orifice. Orifice refers to the opening in the water pipes at the base of the sprinkler valve. The opening in the water pipe is at a place where the water comes from which is about half an inch in diameter .It varies from the larger hazardous areas to smaller ones in the sprinklers systems. The detector is used in splattering the water streams from orifice to the pattern that is efficient for suppression of fires (Wallace, and Webber, 2004, p. 285). It is therefore important for all organizations to install the sprinklers systems within their organizations so as to protect themselves as well as their organizations from fires. Sprinklers are of different types, and therefore should be used as per their