Saturday, November 30, 2019
More matter with less art Essay Example
More matter with less art Paper His prating in this scene can, in some, undoubtedly raise a cynical smile; Polonius is interpreted as a comical character; the fact the Queen demands More matter with less art. is coupled with Polonius artful way of denying hell use it is a prime example of the irony in this scene. He can be therefore viewed as a clownish figure by many audiences. It may be the case, despite the irony displayed in his choice of words, that he is simply afraid of being the purveyor of bad news, especially news he delivers after being wrong about Hamlets madness. But, as we see, after Polonius asks the question What do you think of me?, Claudius answers Of a man faithful and honourable.. If Claudius was to think otherwise, it would be obvious Polonius would not be Secretary of State. Polonius pomposity can be seen in Shakespeares presentation of him in his scene with Reynaldo. He relates to Reynaldo on a high, somewhat elitist level, referring to himself of wisdom and of reach. He may be presented as pompous in the scene with the King and Queen concerning Hamlets madness also; from the prating displayed in an earlier quote he may be interpreted by audience as someone who is showing off his intellect, language skills and deep thought. We will write a custom essay sample on More matter with less art specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on More matter with less art specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on More matter with less art specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Despite this, Polonius has not been wrong in the past; he may have the right to be as pompous as he is, because his actions have always been right before, and he thinks they will be now. It is also arguable that Shakespeare presents Polonius in his dealings with his son Laertes as authoritative and over intrusive, and somewhat of self-interest. In the key scene with Reynaldo, one can assume that Polonius list of activities that he wishes Laertes to be restrained from, including drinking, fencing, swearing, quarrelling, / Drabbing, that Polonius wants no scandal on him. His methods of finding out the truth, especially the apparent loss of grip on his speech (possibly being a trick) suggest that Polonius is not concerned about Laertes well-being; rather he could be worried his familys reputation. However, Polonius can be seen as very sensible in his advice to Reynaldo in relation to Laertes; although it is restrictive, he does say to allow Laertes to have fun; also, in his advice to Laertes, concerning things such as friends: grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel; clothes: costly thy habit as thy purse can buy; money: neither a borrower or a lender be and socialising: Give each man thy ear, but few thy voice he is very succint and wise in approach. The last two lines, Thou canst not then be false to any man. Farewell, my blessing season this in thee., can be seen as very selfless and purely for the good of his son. Furthermore, Laertes apparent and civilised respect found just as Polonius enters later, remarking that A double blessing is a double grace; Occasion smiles upon a second leave. again shows Laertes courtesy towards his father as a very wise man and a person of great importance to him. Later in the play, seemingly in another act of parental restriction, Polonius is presented to involve himself in relations with Ophelia and Hamlet in a meddlesome manner. He does not want a daughter that would succumb to what he thinks Hamlet is after: sexual relations, and those alone. Shakespeare could be presenting Polonius as using a lie as an example to sway her, and he says how he does know, / When the blood burns, how prodigal the soul / Lends the tongue vows., maybe having her taking his view and keeping away from Hamlet, even though Hamlet seems to need Ophelia as someone to trust and rely on in a harsh time for him. Despite the fact Polonius can be seen to be over-intrusive with Ophelia, lying to her to sway her opinion of Hamlet, this may be in order to keep her safe. If he really has experience in matters of love, and that he does know, When the blood burns, how prodigal the soul Lends the tongue vows., this experience lends credit to Polonius dismissal of the authenticity of Hamlets intentions, especially with reference to Hamlets larger tether and how he can get away with more. It also adds credibility to his opinion of Ophelia as susceptible to fraudulent affections; and it seems very good parental control and advice (even though it does not work out), especially when we find that Ophelia remains attentive, and that she shall obey, my lord., echoing Laertes appreciation of Polonius authority. Polonius may also be seen as a conformist, and someone that will happily change his views of a person to make them happy and improve his image upon them. This idea is presented by Shakespeare in the discussion of cloud shapes Polonius has with Hamlet, where Hamlet tests Polonius to see if he conforms to his thoughts. As a result, Polonius falls into the trap and agrees with Hamlet on three very different shapes; Do you see yonder cloud thats almost in shape of a camel? By th mass and tis, like a camel indeed. then a weasel, and finally a whale. However, Polonius is probably frightened of Hamlet by this stage, and is could be interpreted as not wanting to annoy him, in fear of his own safety. As we tend to sympathise with Hamlet, we also agree with him on certain matters. However, he does remark to the players to look you mock him not, suggesting a recognition of the respect Polonius still deserves from others not involved in his battle, and as a result we see Polonius, presented through Hamlets eyes as an important person. Polonius is also seen in a better light after Hamlet has killed him, where he makes cruel jokes about his corpse; when asked where Polonius is, Hamlet speaks of him being at supper, Not where he eats, but where he is eaten; a certain convocation of politic worms are een at him.. From this, we view Hamlet and his actions in a more inhumane way, especially as Claudius acts in a much more favourable manner in response, pronouncing Alas, alas! after he realises what has become of Polonius. It is evident through the shock of the King, Queen and Ophelias response to Hamlets less agreeable actions that Polonius is a very important man to Claudius, Ophelia and Gertrude. The aftermath of Polonius secret burial has large effects on many; his people go into uproar and when news travels to Laertes, he, in a fit of rage, declares he will go as far as eternal damnation to seek revenge. The people of Denmark are muddled, thick and unwholesome in their thought and whispers for good Polonius death and rise in rebellion to make his son king. It is safe to say that if Hamlet was truly right about Polonius knavish qualities that there would be no after effects of his death. After, when Laertes followers leave, Claudius manages to calm Laertes a little. However, when Ophelia enters and starts singing of a funeral, where in his grave rained many a tear, Laertes is distressed and angry at the person she has become since her fathers death. He is presented by Shakespeare as the man Ophelia loved, characterized by her mixing of love and death songs. Act 4 sees Ophelia drowning due to her madness, reported by the Queen to Laertes.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Undaunter Courage analysis essays
Undaunter Courage analysis essays The main point of this book is on President Thomas Jefferson and Meriwether Lewiss dreams of finding an all-water route to the Pacific Ocean; and explore the northern tributaries of the Mississippi and the Missouri rivers (whilst making natural and scientific observations). Jefferson saw immense potential of Lewis, initially only as an assistant to the presidents side. After a few years under Jeffersons belt, he wanted Lewis to direct the Discovery Corp to the west coast eager to enhance the United States awareness of the west. Lewis was about to transform the lives of many people, tribes and tradesmen. This book tells the story of a young Virginian with immense dreams. He hoped to change mankind and achieve something great, the Discovery Corp was going to accomplish just that. First he intricately planned the expedition along with President Jefferson. After months of preparation it was time to set off to the Missouri river. Along the Missouri is where he encountered the first Indians on the journey: the Oto, Sioux and Mandans. Lewiss troups encountered a few problems with the tribes but nothing that would hold them back. They were westward bound. The party crossed the Missouri to determine that two large rivers meet, they chose the south fork that curved into the Great falls. After many days, they ran into the Shoshoni party (this is where they hired an Indian guide named Toby). On the way home the men headed up east the Columbia, which was a harder assignment then thought. They had determined to go overland as an alternative through water. Tribulations with snow had occurred, w hich was blocking trail. Upon reaching the Continental Divide Lewis and William Clark decided to divide up, Lewis wanted to take a small group of men and travel around the north. A brawl broke out among them and some Indians but they came out undamaged. They had finally arrived in ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Global Warming, El Nino, and other Climate Phenomena
Global Warming, El Nino, and other Climate Phenomena The weather we experience is a manifestation of the climate we live in. Our climate is affected by global warming, which has led to many observed changes, including warmer sea temperatures, warmer air temperatures, and changes in the hydrological cycle. In addition, our weather is also affected by natural climate phenomena that operate over hundreds or thousands of miles. These events are often cyclic, as they reoccur at time intervals of various lengths. Global warming can affect the intensity and return intervals of these events. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued its 5th Assessment Report in 2014, with a chapter devoted to the effects of climate change on these large scale climate phenomena. Here are some important findings: Monsoons are seasonal wind reversal patterns accompanied by significant rainfall. They are responsible, for example, for the summer thunderstorm periods in Arizona and New Mexico, and the torrential downpours in Indiaââ¬â¢s rainy season. Overall, monsoon patterns will increase in area and intensity with continued climate change. They will start earlier in the year and end later than what had been the average.In North America, where monsoons are limited to the U.S. Southwest region, no change in precipitation due to global warming has been clearly observed. A decrease in the length of the season has been observed, though, and monsoons are expected to be delayed during the year. So there appears to be no relief in sight for the observed (and predicted) increase in frequency of extreme summer temperatures in the U.S. Southwest, contributing to drought.The amount of precipitation from monsoon rains is forecasted to be higher in the more pessimistic scenarios considered by the IPCC. In a scenario of continued reliance on fossil fuel and the absence of carbon capture and storage, total precipitation from monsoons, globally, is estimated to increase by 16% by the end of the 21st century. The El Nià ±o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a large area of unusually warm water that develops in the Pacific Ocean off South America, affecting weather over a large portion of the globe. Our ability to model future climates while taking into account El Nià ±o has improved, and it appears that variability in precipitation will increase. In other words, some El Nià ±o events will produce more rainfall and snowfall than expected in some areas of the globe, while others will produce less precipitation than expected.The frequency of tropical cyclones (tropical storms, hurricanes, and typhoons) is likely to stay the same or decrease, globally. The intensity of these storms, both in wind speed and precipitation, is likely to increase. There are no clear changes predicted for the track and intensity of North American extra-tropical storms (Hurricane Sandy became one of those cyclonic storms outside of the tropics).à à Predictive models have improved significantly in the last few years, and they are currently being refined to resolve remaining uncertainties. For example, scientists have little confidence when trying to predict changes in monsoons in North America. Pinpointing the effects of the El Nià ±o cycles or the intensity of tropical cyclones in specific areas has also been difficult. Finally, the phenomena described above are largely know by the public, but there are many other cycles: examples include the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, the Madden-Julian Oscillation, and the North Atlantic Oscillation. The interactions between these phenomena, regional climates, and global warming make the business of scaling down global change predictions to specific locations bewilderingly complex. Source IPCC, Fifth Assessment Report. 2013. Climate Phenomena and their Relevance for Future Regional Climate Change.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Leadership in Teams and Decision Groups Research Paper
Leadership in Teams and Decision Groups - Research Paper Example There are various types of teams in an organization include functional work teams, self managed teams, top executive teams and cross-functional teams. The differences in the teams emanate from the autonomy in determining the teamââ¬â¢s mission, authority of the team leader, stability of team members and diversity of the members. Cross-functional teams These teams are formed in an organization to enhance coordination of interdependent activities among the diverse units. Cross-functional teams are composed of representative from all the units and sometimes include representatives from outside the organization like suppliers and partners (McCallin, 2003). To ensure their smooth operations, the teams are given the role to plan and conduct complex work that demands high level of coordination and cooperation among the parties. This type of team is formed when an organization is involved in the development of new product or in the introduction of a new information system that affect the operations of the different units. The members of the cross-functional teams will always remain the same individuals from other particular units and most cross-functional teams are temporary i.e. they are formed to achieve specific organization mission. In order to benefit the organization, the teams must be flexible and efficient in deploying resources and personnel in order to unfold the solution to the problems and challenges. The representatives from the various units should be persons with expertise to help add value to the teamââ¬â¢s decision. These teams have the potential to generate new and innovative ideas from the diverse members with differing backgrounds and improved coordination (McCallin, 2003). Moreover, the team have to view the problems in a wider perspective if the organization successes to be achieved. However, cross-functional teams are faced with challenges. The use of jargon creates communication barrier that might impair the realization of the team goals. Secondly, the loyalty of the members to their respective functions should not override the objectives of the team but rather focus on how their diversity can help in realizing the teamââ¬â¢s objectives. Managing the disagreements and tight deadline is further essential in the successful operation of the team. A leader with good interpersonal skills and expert position power is needed. This will ensure he leads the people with conflicting interests and resolve the likely problems with the power that is vested on his position (2011). Additionally, the leader should have technical expertise, project management skills, and cognitive skills that will enable understanding of the complex problems. Finally, the leader of a cross functional team should also have political skills necessary in formation of coalitions and in gaining resources. Apart from the skills, a cross-functional leader needs to exhibit some leadership behaviors i.e. being visionary to help in formulating strategic obje ctives and generating ideas. The leader should also require to have the ability to organize and plan activities by creating deadlines and standards. Besides, the leader should be self-integrating i.e. promoting cooperation and equal participating on top of dealing with the external parties. A cross-functional leader should be one who can forecast emerging challenges and problems and influence outsiders. Self managed work teams As opposed to the cross
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Persuasive paper rough draft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Persuasive paper rough draft - Essay Example Hybrid cars are still in the experimental stage, meaning there are numerous different models and types to choose from. While some hybrids do not seem to meet the needs of consumers, offering too many negative attributes to offset the positives, plug-in hybrid cars should be considered a good alternative to partially meet the countryââ¬â¢s future energy needs. Plug-in hybrid cars are essentially what they would seem to be; they plug into a normal electric circuit and charge from the same electrical source found in a typical home. Research shows that most U.S. drivers travel, on average, less than 25 miles per day, which is a range easily reached by the plug-in hybrid vehicle enabling people to get to work at a fuel rate much lower than that of todayââ¬â¢s current gasoline prices (Sanna, 2005). This switch would also mean a significant reduction of CO2 emissions and reduces the nationââ¬â¢s need for non-renewable natural resources. While this does classify it as an electric vehicle, the plug-in hybrid has an additional feature that makes it feasible even for long-distance use. The plug-in hybrids, not intended to run on electricity alone, also carry a liquid fuel tank and combustion engine, which enables owners to fill up when the battery runs dry and continue driving for as long and as far as they wish, all while recharging the elec tric battery. ââ¬Å"The hybrid electric vehicle is a move in the right direction. Its battery/electric motor combination provides the quick starts, so when the vehicle is standing still, the gas engine can be shut off automatically to prevent idling and conserve fuel. In fact, the hybrid can achieve an increase in fuel efficiency of roughly 30 percent. The battery also boosts the performance of the [internal combustion engine] at takeoff and for passingâ⬠(Sanna, 2005). As the combustion engine is running and during the process of braking, the battery becomes charged by the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Purple color Essay Example for Free
Purple color Essay Purple color of tetraphenylcyclopentadienone was isolated by aldol condensation between dibenzylketone and benzil. Water was also produced, but it was eliminated by polar protic solvent, triethylene, and heat. Thus, the mixture was heated until the temperature of the mixture reached to 100 ? C so as to eliminate the water present and also to increase the rate of reaction due to increase in entropy. Benzyltrimethylamonium hydroxide was used as a base catalyst. Since catalyst increases the reaction rate much faster at higher temperature, it was added to the mixture at 100 ? C. Once the catalyst was added to the mixture, it turned to dark muddy like and the temperature went up to 120 ? C. Dark purple, muddy like mixture indicated the completion of the reaction. Increase in the temperature indicated that the reaction was exothermic reaction. The completion of the reaction was also confirmed by the color of the filtrate. Methanol washed the impurities and the catalyst on the filter and thus color of the filtrate changed from brown to purple. The product, tetraphenylcyclopentadienone, was purple even though the two reagents benzil and dibenzylketone were yellow and colorless respectively. Tetraphenylcyclopentadienone has extended conjugation between five carbon rings and four phenyl groups that increase stability and thereby lowers overall energy of the molecule. Thus, it absorbs light at lower energy and longer wavelength that is in visible spectrum. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was used to test purity of the product, i. e. , tetraphenylcyclopentadienone. Only one spot in the product lane in the TLC plate was observed under UV light which indicated that the product was relatively pure. The percentage of recovery was 76%. Some of the product was possibly lost when the mixture was heated. The mixture was heated quickly, so some of undesired product was also formed. Also, some of the product was possibly washed by methanol because solubility is not absolute.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Elusive Term :: Essays Papers
The Elusive Term The word "ring-giver" is slippery because it does not stick to its logical meaning. Once researched and defined, it is known that a ring-giver is a king or overlord. Not just a king can be called a ring-giver. A person in an administrative position can be referred to as a ring-giver. The thanes who received this award of arm-ring or neck-ring proved their battle-worthiness and were held in high respect by their kinsmen. Therefore the warriors kept close watch of their rewards. After research, one also finds the term "ring-giver" is a kenning; or Anglo - Saxon metaphor. Ring-giver is an elusive word. Separately, "ring" is defined as an ornamental circular band worn on a finger, and "giver" is defined as to hand over something. Putting those two definitions together, ring-giver implies the act of giving rings. However, this is not at all the case. A ring-giver is a king or overlord. Someone in power is also referred to as being the ring-giver. In the Norton Anthology we read "in heroic poetry at least, a principal form of currency was the gold arm ring; which had the advantage of being valuable, portable and showy; hence the king always being referred to as 'ring-giver.' " (28). Although it was usually the king who was given the name "ring-giver," anyone in power, could be given the title. In the "Grendel, Beowulf's most famous enemy" site, we see another occurrence of a ring-giver being born: "When the retainers [soldiers] returned from battle, they were expected to turn over their bounty to their chief, who would then redistribute it according to the performance of each retainer during battle. Thus, we often find the dryhten [overlord] being referred to as the 'gold-giver' or 'ring-giver.' Usually the king had the power to distribute bounty or rewards, but here we see that anyone in the leadership position might have been given the illustrious title of "ring-giver." The king or overlord gave out arm-rings or neck-rings to promote valor and fighting for land and king. The individual who received the ring was honored by his fellow soldiers. These rings worn on either arm or neck, gave the wearer recognition and instant envy in others. They were symbols of strength and courage; there must have been many attempts to steal such objects of monetary and social value. However, it is doubtful that the brave men who received such awards ever gave the opportunity to lose their trophies.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Effects of Television on Modern Society Essay
Upon its introduction up until the dot com era television was the most popular medium. The ability for news and events to be televised and viewed instantly around the world has given our society the ability to connect with the world by the push of a button. Although TV has made information more assessable it has its weak points as well. Over the years violence on television has become more common and more acceptable. Until the recent push for TV ratings it was difficult for parents to ensure their children were viewing material they deemed appropriate and even so some may not agree with the rating system. I remember as a young child watching ââ¬Å"Power Rangersâ⬠which was rated ââ¬Å"TV-Y7â⬠. That meant the youngest viewer watching should be at least seven years old. Kids mimic their heroes and act like they do. I donââ¬â¢t think itââ¬â¢s in the best interest of any seven year olds parents to allow for the child to take in such brutal shows. I am sure that within the next ten years television will either become much more liberal, or much more conservative, but not anywhere in between. Less and less people seem to care what is broadcast on cable TV, while the ones who do care seem to have a dying voice. The effect on our society is rather mixed and it will be a few decades before we see any real effects on our youth.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Pride of China
The four-century-long Han rule is divided into two periods: the Earlier or Western Han and the Later or Eastern Han. In between these two was the short-lived Hsin Dynasty (AD 9-23). The Chinese show their pride in Han accomplishments by calling themselves the Han people. Philosophies and institutions that began in the Chou and Ch'in periods reached maturity under the Han. During Han times, the Chinese distinguished themselves in making scientific discoveries, many of which were not known to Westerners until centuries later. The Chinese were most advanced in astronomy. They invented sundials and water clocks, divided the day equally into ten and then into 12 periods, devised the lunar calendar that continued to be used until 1912, and recorded sunspots regularly. In mathematics, the Chinese were the first to use the place value system, whereby the value of a component of a number is indicated by its placement. Other innovations were of a more practical nature: wheelbarrows, locks to control water levels in streams and canals, and compasses. The Han Chinese were especially distinguished in the field of art. The famous sculpture of the ââ¬Å"Han flying horseâ⬠and the carving of the jade burial suit found in Han period tombs are only two superb examples. The technique of making lacquer ware was also highly developed. The Chinese are proudest of the tradition of historical writing that began in the Han period. Ssu-ma Ch'ien (145? -85? BC) was grand historian (an office that combined the duties of court recorder and astronomer) during the time of Wu Ti. His `Historical Records', which took ten years to complete, established the pattern and style followed by subsequent histories. In the Later Han, the historical tradition was continued by the Pan family. Pan Piao, the father, started to bring Ssu-ma Ch'ien's `Records' up to date. The work was continued by his son Pan Ku (twin brother of the general Pan Ch'ao) and was completed by his daughter Pan Chao, China's earliest and most famous woman scholar. Unlike Ssu-ma Ch'ien, the Pan family limited their work to 230 years of the Early Han. This was the first of the dynastic histories, subsequently written for every dynasty. Pan Chao also wrote a highly influential work on the education of women, `Lessons for Women'. Lessons' emphasized the ââ¬Å"virtuesâ⬠of women, which restricted women's activities. The Confucianism that the Han Dynasty restored differed from the original teachings of Confucius. The leading Han philosophers, Tung Chung-shu and others, used principles derived from the early Chinese philosophy of nature to interpret the ancient texts. The Chinese philosophy of nature explained the workings of the universe by the alternating forces of yin and yangââ¬âdark and lightââ¬âand the five elements: earth, wood, metal, fire, and water. The Han period was marked by a broad eclecticism. Many Han emperors favored Taoism, especially the Taoist idea of immortality. Earlier (Western) Han (202 BC-AD 9). The Han Kao Tsu preserved many features of the Ch'in imperial system, such as the administrative division of the country and the central bureaucracy. But the Han rulers lifted the Ch'in ban on philosophical and historical writings. Han Kao Tsu called for the services of men of talent, not only to restore the destroyed classics but to serve as officials in the government. From that time, the Chinese Empire was governed by a body of officials theoretically selected on merit. Such a practice has few parallels elsewhere at this early date in human history. The new ruler who restored peace and order was a member of the house of Han, the original Liu family. His title was Kuang Wu Ti, ââ¬Å"Shining Martial Emperor,â⬠from AD 25 to 57. During the Later Han, which lasted another 200 years, a concerted but unsuccessful effort was made to restore the glory of the former Han. The Later Han scored considerable success in recovering lost territories, however. Sent to befriend the tribes on the northwestern frontier in AD 73, a great diplomat-general, Pan Ch'ao, eventually led an army of 70,000 almost to the borders of eastern Europe. Pan Ch'ao returned to China in 101 and brought back information about the Roman Empire. The Romans also knew about China, but they thought of it only as the land where silk was produced. The Han Dynasty lasted four hundred years. The term ââ¬Å"The Han peopleâ⬠comes from the name of this dynasty. (The English term for ââ¬Å"Chinaâ⬠comes from the name of the previous dynasty Ch'in). The Han dynasty is the East Asian counterpart of and contemporary with Rome in its golden age. During this dynasty, China officially became a Confucian state, prospered domestically, and extended its political and cultural influence over Vietnam, Central Asia, Mongolia, and Korea before finally collapsing under a mixture of domestic and external pressures. The Han ruling line was briefly interrupted by the usurpation of a famous reformer, Wang Mang, whose interlude on the throne from A. D. 9 to 23 in known as the Hsin dynasty. Historians therefore subdivide the Han period into two parts, Former (or Western) Han (capital at Ch'ang-an, present day Xi'an) and Later (Eastern) Han (capital at Loyang).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
International Business and Globalization
International Business and Globalization Free Online Research Papers To begin this research paper, the world globalization comes to mind, where in recent times, we have witnessed individuals protesting, worldwide, what they believe is an unfair disparity of the new rewards that are being reaped via the Internet, and globalization. As an International Consultant, this author should like to assume a number of essential claims and necessities which are relevant to obligations toward developing countries, particularly to the CEO of one multinational company, which this author shall regard for purposes of this research paper as being reflective of multinational companies worldwide. To the greatest extent, the obligation at issue herein is humanistic in nature. The CEOs have certain obligations to the organizations they serve. Leadership and vision elastic management terms on which all of our daily lives depend are the most important of those obligations. And to face the challenges of the future, our definitions of leadership and vision must expand even further today and take their part among the critical skills of the CEO. It is the CEO who must take the first step in identifying the critical skills of an organization. The argument for CEO involvement is irrefutable. After all, the organizations they lead are defined by the quality of the people who comprise them. Since most CEOs fully recognize this fact, it seems prudent that they take the next step and build for the future on a more solid foundation of critical skills, from top to bottom, and in the nationââ¬â¢s schools. Your company, like any other, has a cluster of critical skills. It is up to every one of you to identify these skills and use them more effectively. It is one of the most important, yet most fundamental, management decisions you will make in the new millennium (albeit the aforementioned was extracted from an article published in the 1990s). To excel in the global environment, managers must master the following critical skills: Communications; analytical (being able to take a lot of information, sort out the relevant facts, develop findings, draw conclusions, and make recommendations); production; time management; and teamwork. (Jett, 1993, Pg. 22) While the author places great emphasis upon the people, in the view of this author, this view must be taken further. That is to say, that is the have-nots of the world must be more greatly embraced for the benefit of sharing in the new pie that the Internet/global business relations has prepared. It was reported in January 2001 that the ass istant clerk for Merits Briefing walked briskly down the white marble side corridor, away from the tourists and school groups to return to her mahogany desk in the windowless ground floor anteroom to the clerkââ¬â¢s offices in the U.S. Supreme Court building. That same weekend, Simon Billenness was preparing for ââ¬Å"The Battle in Seattleâ⬠. The Free Burma Coalition, in which he was a key figure, was part of an unusual gathering of diverse groups planning to protest the negative effects of international trade and globalization during four days of meetings by the World Trade Organization (WTO) beginning on November 3. Joining with anarchists, environmentalists, union members and other activist organizations, these groups would seriously disrupt the Seattle meetings and do the same the following year to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) meetings in Washington, D.C. and Prague, as well as the European Union Summit in Nice. The Seattle protests would become famous for the dichotomy embodied in images of environmentalists in sea turtle costumes and unionists exchanging chants of Turtles Love Teamstersà ¡Ã ¨ and à ¡Ã §Teamsters Love Turtlesà ¡Ã ¨, while masked anarchists vandalized Seattle stores. Billenness involvement with both the globalization concerns and the Massachusetts case went back many years. Several years ago, Billenness, an analyst for an asset management firm specializing in social responsible investment, attended a conference marking the end to the boycott of companies doing business in South Africa following the demise of apartheid. Billenness persuaded Massachusetts Representative Byron Rushing to adapt the Massachusetts anti-apartheid legislation to address Burma, literally substituting one countryà ¡Ã ¦s name for the other in the new bill. The bill became law two years later, in 1996. It was the constitutionality of this bill that was at issue in the National Foreign Trade Council Case. At the same time, the Free Burma Coal ition and other organizations took to the streets demanding greater accountability from international institutions, such as the WTO and IMF, and the end of an à ¡Ã §era of trade negotiations conducted by sheltered elites balancing competing commercial interests behind closed doorsà ¡Ã ¨, the Supreme Court began wrestling with a similar problem of balancing governmental and popular interests. In trying to determine whether the Massachusettsà ¡Ã ¦ Burma Law was such an irritant to foreign relations that it impinged upon the federal governmentà ¡Ã ¦s foreign affairs powers or whether the state was simply exercising its rights to choose how to spend its citizensà ¡Ã ¦ tax revenues in the marketplace, the court, like the WTO and the IMF, grappled with a new balance between governmental interest and democracies a new federalism in a global era. As the Chair of the AFL-CIO International Affairs Committee declared in the wake of the Seattle protests, à ¡Ã §Globalization has re ached a turning point. The future is a contested terrain of very public choices that will shape the world economy of the 21st Century.à ¡Ã ¨ (Fitzgerald, 2001, Pg. 11) In point of fact, this is a burning global issue. There actually exists many organizations worldwide who communicate regularly via the Internet. This is a kind of global subculture which is bound and determined to see that everyone shares in the pie, and repetitions as we have seen in other countries (keeping in mind that we are now talking about a global marketplace) including the United States, as well as an even greater litany of third world countries where the gap between the haves and have-nots is in fact a horrendous inequity of humanity, or what might be legitimately termed as à ¡Ã ¥mans inhumanity to manà ¡Ã ¦. To a great extent, this author would rely upon the aforementioned information to convince this CEO that he had ethical responsibilities. In the United States along, particularly over the past year, corporate responsibility has been given a tremendous amount of attention. Herein lay an analogy to the global marketplace, only in this case, there are many billions of peoplesà ¡Ã ¦ lives at stake. I would also want to try to convince this CEO why he should be more democratic in terms of his business dealings as one member of a global business community. I believe that it is increasingly good business to be able to label oneself as à ¡Ã §globalizedà ¡Ã ¨, a term that this author just coined but I do believe that some sort of logo can be established as a selling point and also for the good of humanity. There exists other problematic areas that could and should be addressed. Many of these are environmental in nature and affect everyone, such as global warming. The regulation of carbon dioxide emissions under the Kyoto Protocol will have severe consequences on U.S. business despite assurances by the Clinton Government, as was reported approximately six years ago (1998). The forced reduction of emissions would ravage not only the utilities but also other sectors, such as the aluminum and iron smelting, automobiles, paper and pulp, and oil refining industries. Worse, only the U.S. may suffer because other countries, particularly developing ones, such as China and Brazil may decide not to comply with the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol. They resist emissions trading and do not want their energy use curtailed to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions. Despite these, it appears that the protocol will be enforced soon enough, with the next round of talks to take place in Buenos Aires. Finds and sanctions are expected to be established there. At this point, this author should like to interject that finds and sanctions could also be inclusive of a larger global program a ddressing the problems associated with globalization as this author has already delineated. Champions of the Kyoto Protocol say curbing carbon emissions will ensure a safer, more prosperous future for all. But if developing countries do not go along with it, Kyoto could put the bite on U.S. GDP. à ¡Ã §We cannot understate the impact that the regulation of carbon dioxide emissions under the Kyoto Protocol will have on American business. Cutting emissions to meet Kyoto goals would devastate not only utilities, but also a whole host of other industries, including aluminum and iron smelting plants, paper and pulp manufacturers, oil refining and automobiles,à ¡Ã ¨ says Fred Palmer, CEO of Western Fuel Associates, a large cooperative of coal burning electric utilities. Direct energy costs are likely to soar by at least 50%. (Bailey, 1998, Pg. 8) The fact is that global warming is everyoneà ¡Ã ¦s problem. While we are not experiencing horrific and immediate problems right now, the co ncern of a global warming rose early when computer climate models predicted that the Earthà ¡Ã ¦s temperature might rise between five and nine degrees over the next century. The long range impact for this is known by scientists, all to be completely damaging, yet, there are many unknowns, or factors for which scientists have not considered and for which this world is in no way prepared. I would try to convince this CEO that his children and his childrenà ¡Ã ¦s children will be the object of avoidance of ethical responsibility if à ¡Ã §weà ¡Ã ¨ all (globally) do not take more of an interest with commensurate action. The problem, as I see it, and I would share with the CEO of the multinational corporation with whom I am speaking, is that many of the dangers we are aware of, as well as their solutions, are without teeth. We are part of a world community and to quote Senator Hillary Clinton, à ¡Ã §It takes a villageà ¡Ã ¨. It might seem like a daunting task to ensure that eight thousand individual sales representatives of decorative gifts and accessories for the home understand and abide by their companyà ¡Ã ¦s ethical codes, according to Joey Carter, president and CEO of Home Interiors and Gift Inc., who explained that it is a matter of incorporating the DSA codes with his companyà ¡Ã ¦s own code of ethics. à ¡Ã §For purposes of recruiting, it is important that we take about our companyà ¡Ã ¦s inventory buy back policy and explain our fair earnings claims, which describe realistically what someone should expect to earn for a given effort,à ¡Ã ¨ says Carter. This is one example of eth ics in business, however, the greater problem is indeed global, and by exercising ethics, this is in fact good business, as I would try to convince the CEO with whom I am speaking. DFAà ¡Ã ¦s President Neil Offen, in face-to-face meetings himself, spends a lot of time promoting code of ethics and their self-regulatory aspects to government and the private sector. à ¡Ã §Right now the European Commission is looking at integrating ethical codes into law under a duty-to-trade-fairly initiative pending in Brussels,à ¡Ã ¨ he says. The World Federation of Direct Selling Associations, which globally represents the direct selling industry, conducts a world congress once every three years as well, with the association subsidizing travel expenses for code administrators to attend. (Schweitzer, 2003, Pg. 20) Many strong and relevant points have been made by commissions who have been acutely aware of this ever growing problem and global disparity. For example, the ILO Declaration of Fundam ental Principles and Rights at Work adopted in 1998 could not be clearer: à ¡Ã §The effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation,à ¡Ã ¨ (ILO, 1998, Paragraph 2). Are both so central to the ILOââ¬â¢s Social Justice Mandate and Decent Work Agenda that they are two of the four fundamental principles which members of the ILO have a à ¡Ã §good faith obligation to respect, to promote, and to realizeà ¡Ã ¨. On equal access to collective bargaining is a challenge to equality, and this is now a universal problem, not just something that America has known particularly in the early twenties, and technically right up to the present. This broad view of equality draws upon the deeply egalitarian convictions that characterize the quest for social justice throughout the world of work. It also focuses on the purpose of protection against discrimination, namely to affirm the equal worth and dignity of all human beings. It seeks in ensure that equality, whose fundamental nature is recognized within the ILOââ¬â¢s normative universe and beyond is also a reality in working peoplesââ¬â¢ lives. A purposive approach is required given the mandate in the ILO Constitution and in its normative system to include all workers, thereby affirming their equal worth and dignity. Unequal access to collective bargaining represents the major challenge to equality, one that the declaration calls on the ILO and its constituency to address. (Sheppard, 2003, Pg. 13) The International Labor Review is concerned with (as its namesake indicates) the international community. As has been reiterated previously, the push is on for financial and social parity for all members of the world community. To this extent, the international business community has a responsibility which, increasingly, universal organizations, those that are situated around the world, as well as the United Nations are increasingly moving towards a code of equality which will mandate the kind of economic parity that is the antithesis of globalization as has been protested (and described earlier in this research paper). Ultimately, I would tell this CEO that it is good business to get on the ground floor of being one who is aware of globalization and global parity in this now new millennium. REFERENCES Bailey, Ronald, The High Cost of Kyoto Protocol on Carbon Dioxide Emissionsà ¡Ã ¨, Chief Executive (U.S.), 1, June, 1998, P. 8. Fitzgerald, Peter L., Massachusetts, Burma, and The World Trade Organization: A Commentary on Blacklisting, Federalism, and Internet in the Global Trading Eraà ¡Ã ¨, Cornell International Law Journal, 1, January, 2001, P. 11. Jett, Charles C., Critical Skills and the CEO, Chief Executive (U.S.), 1, April, 1993, P. 22. Schweitzer, Carole, Putting Teeth Into Ethical Practices: Good Behavior Starts At The Top, Association Management, 1, January, 2003, P. 20. Sheppard, Colleen, Collective Bargaining and Equality: Making Collections, International Labor Review, 22, December, 2003, P. 13. Research Papers on International Business and GlobalizationPETSTEL analysis of IndiaThe Project Managment Office SystemDefinition of Export QuotasEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaResearch Process Part OneBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product
Monday, November 4, 2019
Security in Short Range Wireless Networks Thesis
Security in Short Range Wireless Networks - Thesis Example To combat the security threats faced by this short range wireless communication, several techniques have been brought forward. This paper is aimed at evaluating the various threats faced by the short range wireless networks and the effective solutions to these security threats. One of the security problems is eavesdropping. In this case, the attacker ââ¬Ëlistensââ¬â¢ and monitors contents in a message being transmitted. For instance, an attacker may tune into transmissions between a base station and a wireless handset. Wi-Fi is a local networking technology that works on IEEE 802.11 standard implemented by Wi-Fi compatible devices (Davis, 2004). It is used at homes, offices and public hotspots and offer a relatively higher peak data rates than 3G systems do. However, it also creates new security threats as follows. Wi-Fi has a security problem of Evil twin APs. In this case, the hacker creates a rogue Wi-Fi access point to eavesdrop on wireless communications, which appears to be a legitimate one. As a result, wireless clients can easily connect to them, since fraudulent APs can easily advertise the same network SSID as legitimate connections. Once the victim clients connect, traffic is routed using DHCP and DNS through the evil twin, and this may lead to man-in-the-middle attacks (Lemstra, Hayes, & Groenewegen, 2010). Data interception is another security problem encountered. Eavesdroppers can easily capture data that is sent over Wi-Fi within a short distance or even longer with directional antennas. This is done using cracking tools like ElcomSoft Wireless Security Auditor that locates wireless networks and intercepts data packets. Wi-Fi also encounters denial of service attacks, where an attacker frequently sends bogus requests, premature successful/failure connection messages and other commands to Access Points that are targeted. These attacks make channels busy, disconnect
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Research Paper
Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization - Research Paper Example David, et al, (1999) identified the simplest sense of globalization encompasses speeding, widening and deepening up of global interconnectedness of national aspects. McMicheal (2000), suggest that the term globalization refers to the integration of a project pursuing market rule on a global scale. Anthony Giddens in his philosophy ââ¬ËThe Consequences of Modernityââ¬â¢ defined globalization as the intensification of international social relations which shorten distant localities in such a way that events occurring locally are shaped by events occurring miles away. Other scholars such as Roland Robertson, a professor of sociology, defined globalization as ââ¬Å"the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a wholeâ⬠(Bartmess & Cerny, 2007). In this perspective, there is no universally accepted definition of globalization, but the acceptability depends on the context at which the term is used. However, globalization can be well be understood by determining factors and aspects that make up the term. In 2000, International Monetary Fund (IMF) developed four basic aspects of globalization; transaction and trade, investment and capital movement, movement of people and migration and dissemination of knowledge (International Monetary Fund, 2000). In terms of transaction and trade, low-income countries increased their share of world trade from 18.6% in 1971 to 28% in 1999. Private capital flows to low-income and middle-income countries replaced by ââ¬Ëdevelopment assistanceââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëaid. Foreign direct investment became the investment of concern by larger companies in developing countries, which led the introduction of multinational companies (Asmussen, 2011). David, et al, (2005) identified that globalization developed international trade and companies. Due to increased interaction among nationalities, countries traded with one another with goods and services they have a comparative advantage (David, et
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